Dad and I did some late morning birding down McElmo Canyon from Cortez this 
morning.  Lots of the usual birds, but we also found a small group of sparrows 
in a small canyon down there (J road bridge, turn left, go almost to the stone 
house, dry pond on the north side of the road).  Pretty sure they are juvenile 
black-throated sparrows, but would like a second opinion.  Or third or fourth.  
I have seen adults before in Arizona but never run across young birds.  Habitat 
was rock and PJ in a dry wash, sage nearby, riparian within 200 meters.


Three best photos:


Other birds of the day included several blue grosbeaks, bushtits, a couple 
Virginia's warblers (couldn't make them Lucy's), lots and lots of bluebirds and 
lark sparrows, western wood pewees, and so on.

Dennis Garrison 
back in Paonia in the smoke tonight

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