I had the opportunity to search for the Pomarine Jaeger late this afternoon 
(successfully) at Chatfield Reservoir. A second-cycle Glaucous Gull was still 
present also. The highlight however were two pale-bellied (“Atlantic”) Brant in 
the southwest corner, feeding on short grass with many American Wigeon. Photos 
taken in low light (hence poor quality) can be viewed at 
http://www.pbase.com/quetzal/atlanticbrant11302011. Brant breed in the high 
Arctic, and are extremely rare in Colorado, occurring in winter. “Black” Brant 
from the Pacific slope outnumber “Atlantic” Brant by about 10-1 in Colorado. 
Hopefully these guys will weather the impending winter storm, and give others a 
chance to see them. To find them, park in the lot just west of the Kingfisher 
Bridge (which spans the South Platte River) near the southwest corner of 
Chatfield Reservoir. Hike northward (about 5 minutes) towards the reservoir. 
Watch for the birds on the spongy grassy shoreline where the view opens up of 
the whole reservoir (I call this Kingfisher Point). If the Brant are on the 
close shoreline, no telescope is needed. If they fly to the opposite shore of 
the lagoon, a scope would be handy. State Park Pass is required (daily fee is 

Unfortunately, these birds were discovered after sunset, so no posting til now. 
I was able to track down Joey Kellner who lives nearby and he was able to see 
these birds just before total darkness.

Nick Komar
Fort Collins CO

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