Now that the weather has allowed the bark, phloem, xylem and sap of trees to
thaw out so the sapsuckers overwintering in the Canon City area can more
easily obtain nourishment, felt more comfortable getting a good count for
the Great Backyard Bird Count.  I did inadvertently flush one sapsucker but
saw it return to it's preferred feeding location after I left the area.  I
have located a few new locations where sapsuckers are feeding and expect
that these are birds that have moved from other locations around the area.
Some of these new locations were places I have checked previously, because
they looked to me like sapsuckers would like them or because they had old
sap wells.  I have found several sapsuckers that have more than one location
where they appear to be actively feeding.  I still have a few locations
where I believe sapsuckers are actively feeding but they appear to be
part-time locations and I have not been there at the same time as the bird.

Today I located a total of 2 Red-naped and 8 Williamson's Sapsuckers as
follows:  1 male Red-naped Sapsucker in Canon City and 1 in Florence, 4
female Williamson's Sapsuckers and 2 males in Canon City plus one female and
one male in Florence.  I got a few update photos (didn't flush any
sapsuckers due to photos) with close-ups that I have uploaded to my
BirdsAndNature <> blog.

Most of these sapsuckers on are private property.  Though what I found today
is just half the number I located in December, I suspect there may be more
that have moved to trees on private property that I have not located (there
are thousands of likely pine trees in Canon City, many I can't check them
all from the street) though there might also have been some mortality due to
the extended and double-digit sub zero temps here.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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