Hi all,

I finally decided to forget about work and deadlines and to walk the Boulder
Creek and Skunk Creek trails!  After walking northeast along the Boulder
Creek path as far as the edge of the woods north of Ball Aerospace, I went
back to the confluence with Skunk Creek and headed SW along that path.
 After about 15 minutes, I was rewarded by seeing a Cassin's(?) Vireo pluck
a large cicada-like insect out of the air!  The vireo sat on a bare limb
trying to swallow the bug for several minutes and there I was without a
camera.  It was in a tree to the right of the path past a lake on the right
and about 100 yds. from the first building on the right (~1:30 pm).

I put a "?" by the identification because I know that the Blue-headed and
Cassin's Vireos can overlap in coloring.  This one was definitely not a
Plumbeous because of the yellow wash along the sides of the breast.  I tend
towards calling it a Cassin's because the contrast in gray color of the
upper back and head was not great.  It had two very definite white wing bars
and white eye spectacles.

The only other birds of note were many Western Wood-Pewees (singing), a
singing Lincoln's Sparrow, and a skulking warbler with a loud chip note that
I never could see (this one was along the Boulder Creek path about 1/4 mile
from the confluence with Skunk Creek).

Paula Hansley

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