Date:   June 11, 2011
phone: 303-659-8750
compiler:  Joyce Takamine

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Saturday, June 11, 2011
updated at 5:00 AM, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you
can skip the recording by pressing the star key (*) on you phone at
any time.  Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions,
including county and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if
you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include: (* denotes that there is new information on
this species in this report)

Green Heron (Mesa)
Broad-winged Hawk (*Jefferson)
Snowy Plover (Otero)
Piping Plover (Sedgwick)
WESTERN GULL (*Douglas/Jefferson)
Caspian Tern (Mesa)
Least Tern (Otero)
Eastern Phoebe (Boulder)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Logan)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (*Jefferson, *Larimer)
Blackpoll Warbler (El Paso)
Ovenbird (Boulder, Douglas, *Larimer)
Northern Cardinal (El Paso)
Indigo Bunting (Fremont, Jackson)

Boulder County:
--2 singing Ovenbirds were reported by Nunes on Shanahan Ridge Trail
in Boulder on June 5.
--Eastern Phoebes were reported by Floyd at the 75th St Bridge over
Boulder Creek on June 6.
--A singing Ovenbird was reported by Margaret Smith on the Mesa Trail
south of the Bear Canyon Trailhead on June 7.

Douglas County:
--3 singing Ovenbirds were reported by Burns along the 5.5 mile
Mountain Top Loop Trail at Spruce Mountain Open Space which is south
of Larkspur on June 5.

Douglas/Jefferson Counties:
--An ad WESTERN GULL was found by Walbek on the Marina Sandspit at
Chatfield SP on June 1.   Roller reported the WESTERN GULL was again
at the Marina Sandspit early in the morning on June 2 and then it
moved to the Swim Beach.  The gull disappeared midday and then
returned mid-afternoon to the Swim Beach and later to the east.  On
morning of June 3, Komar saw the gull flying from the north toward the
swim beach and then many birders had great looks at the gull on the
swim beach.  Mark Miller gave this account of the WESTERN GULL on June
4:  the gull spent the morning on the little sandspit by Plum Creek
Delta which can been seen with a scope from the Marina sandspit, then
around noon the gull flew over to the Marina Sandspit and around 2 pm
it flew west towards the Swim Beach, but was not found.  On June 5,
Stachowiak reported that the WESTERN GULL was eating at the Marina
Sandspit in the morning and Sanders reported around 4 pm the gull was
back at Plum Creek Delta and around 8pm Kibbe reported the gull on the
Swim Beach.  On June 6, Dunmire reported the gull at Plum Creek Delta
from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.  The WESTERN GULL was reported by Michaels as
flying around below the dam in the morning of June 7.  On June 8
around 3 pm, Moore reported the gull at Plum Creek Delta.  On June 9,
Himmel and Maxwell found the WESTERN GULL at the swim beach around
noon and Burt reported the gull was at the swim beach at 3:10 pm.  On
June 10. Ellis reported the WESTERN GULL at the sand spit on Plum
Creek Delta around 2:45 pm and at 5:pm Gillilan reported the gull on
the swim beach.   This is a first state record (if accepted by the
Records Committee).

El Paso County:
--At Chico Basin Ranch (fee area) at the banding station on June 5,
Bill Maynard reported a singing Northern Cardinal and a singing
Blackpoll Warbler.

Jackson County:
--An Indigo Bunting was reported by Hunter at Lake John on June 8.

Jefferson County:
--A Broad-winged Hawk was reported by Lewis at Welchester Tree Park
working the west end of the park on June 5.  Sanders reported that the
Broad-winged Hawk was in the same area on June 6 and calling a lot.
On June 8, Sanders reported that the Broad-winged Hawk was still in
the same area.  On June 9, Schottler reported 2 Broad-winged Hawks at
Welchester Tree Park.  One was juv but he did not get a good look at
the second to judge age.   On June 10, Sanders again saw the light
morph hawk at Welchester Tree Park in the west end of the park.
--A singing f Chestnut-sided Warbler was found by Tammy Sanders at the
entry bridge over the little canal to Welchester Tree Park on June 10,
 later it was singing away in the SE part of the park.

Larimer County:
--At Lake Estes on June 10, Matthews reported Ovenbird and f
Chestnut-sided Warbler.  He also says that there are at least 8 elk
calves in the area so bird with care.

Logan County:
--A PURPLE GALLINULE was photographed by Mack Hitch in a small
recently created pond west of Sterling on June 7.  It was not there on
June 8.
--A pair of Great Crested Flycatchers were reported by Dunning at
Tamarck Ranch SWA, parking area 8 on June 9.

Mesa County:
--A Green Heron was reported by Arnold on the old DOE property in
Orchard Mesa on the lower Gunnison River on June 7.
--3 Caspian Terns were reported by Stigen flying over Orchard Mesa
above the riverfront trailhead just east of the 29 road bridge in
Grand Junction on June 8.

Otero County:
--At Lake Cheraw on June 5, Mlodinow reported Least Tern and Snowy
Plover with young.

Sedgwick County:
--A Piping Plover was reported by Dunning in the SE corner of Jumbo
Reservoir on June 9.

Weld County:
--A YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was reported by Elens at Glenmere Park
in Greeley on June 5 and was seen again by Lefko on June 7.  On June
7, Komar reported that the YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON appears to be
attempting to nest with a Black-crowned Night-Heron.  On June 8, Core
reported seeing the night-heron again on nest.  On June 10, the
YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON was reported by Amper as posing on a log.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, June 11 will be to Red Rocks Park led
by Tom Bush.  Meet the leader at Red Rocks Trading Post at 0730 for a
half day of foothills birding.  Half day trip.  Bring lunch, water and
scopes.  Will watch trading post feeders over lunch.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, June 12 will be to Belmar Park and
Kountze Lake led by Chris Blakeslee (303-694-4670) and Sue Schulman.
Meet the leaders at 0700 in the parking lot on east side of Kountze
Lake in Belmar Park behind the Iron Gate building.  From S Wadsworth
turn west at the light on West Ohio Ave.  Drive a short 2 blocks to
parking lot.  Bring snacks and water for this easy half day trip.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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