Compiler:  Allison Hilf
e-mail:    RBA AT
Date:  May 8, 2016 
This is the Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, May 8, 2016, sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).
Note / warblers and other migrants on the move.  Go out and find more!!

Glossy Ibis (Jefferson)
Broad-winged Hawk (Washington; *Weld)
Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe; *Mesa)
Black Rail (Bent)
Whimbrel (La Plata)
American Golden Plover (Kiowa)
Mountain Plover (*Weld)
Least Tern (El Paso County)
Black Swift (El Paso)
White-tailed Swift (El Paso)
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Bent)
Red-headed Woodpecker (Arapahoe, Fremont)
Red-belllied Woodpecker (Bent, Weld)
Gray Flycatcher (Jefferson, *Kit Carson)
Black Phoebe (Boulder)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Yuma)
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (El Paso, Kiowa)
Yellow-throated Vireo (La Plata)
Curve-billed Thrasher (Arapahoe)
Magnolia Warbler (Bent, *Prowers)
Black-and White Warbler (Lamar)
Prothonotary Warbler (Larimer)
Worm-eating Warbler (*Boulder)
Golden-winged Warbler (Prowers)
Palm Warbler (Jefferson; Yuma)
Bay-breasted Warbler (*Larimer)
Northern Parula (Baca, Bent, Denver, Prowers)
Northern Waterthrush (Baca, La Plata, *Jefferson, Pueblo)
Hooded Warbler (*Larimer)
Grace’s Warbler (*Pueblo)
Scarlet Tanager (Larimer)
Summer Tanager (Arapahoe, Baca, Bent, El Paso)
Painted Bunting (*Baca)
Canyon Towhee (*Baca)
Field Sparrow (Weld)
Fox Sparrow (Summit)
Eastern Meadowlark (Weld)

*****For locations you are not familiar with (e.g. "Lower Latham"), please 
refer to CFO's Colorado County Birding site for directions:

—On May 7 a Summer Tanager was reported by Tim Luez at South Platte Reservior.
—On May 7 a Red-headed Woodpecker was reported by Jared Del Rosso at Marjorie 
Perry Nature Preserve.
--On May 7 the over wintering Long-tailed Ducks were reported by David 
Suddjaian at South Platte Reservoir.
—On May 7 a Curve-billed Thrasher was reported by Gene Rutherford in Englewood 
Grove on PRIVATE property - not open to public.  

—On May 8 a Painted Bunting (male) was reported by Glen Walbek at Picture 
—On May 8 a Canyon Towhee was reported by Glen Walbek at Picture Canyon.
—On May 8 a Canyon Towhee was reported by Mackenzie Goldsmith at Sand Canyon.
 —On May 7 a Canyon Towhee was reported by Mike Henwood near Carrizo Canyon 
Picnic Area.
—On May 6 two Summer Tanagers were reported by Brandon Percival and other CFO 
participants at Two Buttes Reservoir -below the dam.
—On May 6 a Northern Parula (male) was reported by Brandon Percival and other 
CFO participants at Two Buttes Reservoir -below the dam.
—On May 6 a Northern Waterthrush was reported by Brandon Percival and other CFO 
participants at Two Buttes Reservoir -below the dam.

—On May 5 a Magnolia Warbler was reported by Austin Hess at Melody Tempel 
Grove. 40 or 50 yards up the canal trail on the left side as you're walking 
—On May 4 a Northern Parula was reported by Brandon Percival at the Hasty 
—On May 4 a Red-bellied Woodpecker was reported by Brandon Percival at Hasty 
--On May 2 a male Ruby -throated Hummingbird was seen by Duane Nelson On the 
North side of Lamar  Community College grove
—On May 1 a male Summer Tanager was reported by Duane Nelson at Tempel Grove in 
NE Bent County.
—On May 1 a Black Rail was heard by Duane Nelson at the Ft. Lyon Marsh complex.

—On May 8 a Worm-eating Warbler was reported by Nathan Pieplow (possibly same 
bird he found on April 30).  The bird was along Boulder Creek below the CU 
Boulder Recreation Center, foraging and calling near the footbridge nearest 
Folsom  in the am.
—On May 6 a Black Phoebe was reported by Paula Hansley at Walden Ponds.
—On May 1 a Bewick’s Wren was reported by David Pettee on Dartmouth Ave.

—On May 1 a Northern Parula was reported by Nathan Pieplow at City Park, just 
northwest of the gazebo at the west end of Ferril Lake.

—On May 8 a Winter Wren was reported by Kyle Hawley at Fountain Creek Regional 
Park - Nature Center/Cattail Marsh area.
—On May 7 a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Kara Carragher at Chico 
Basin Ranch (fee area).   The bird was seen for approx. 30 seconds as it flew 
over the road and continued southeast.
—On May 7 a Black Swift and 2 White-tailed Swifts were reported by Steve Getty 
in the Broadmoor neighborhood pushed tens of swallows, 2 White-tailed Swifts, 
on a lake (Stratton Reservoir,???). The lake 1.5 km east of the Broadmoor at 
corner of Lake and Springmeadow Drives. 
—On May 7 a Summer Tanager (female) was reported by Steve Getty in neighborhood 
immediately south of Bear Creek Regional Park.  
—On May 6 a Least Tern was reported in the AM by Richard Bunn and Jan Allbright 
at Big Johnson Reservoir.  It was relocated at 3:36PM at the southeast cove.

—On May 5 a Red-headed Woodpecker was reported by SeEtta Moss on the Canon City 
Riverwalk above the ropes course. This is a very rare species in Fremont County.

—On May 8 a Northern Waterthrush was reported by Bob Righter at Denver Botanic 
Gardens Chatfield location.
—On May 6 a Palm Warbler was reported by Heidi Retherford.
—On May 6 a Glossy Ibis was reported by Matt Clark at Harriman Lake Park.
—On May 5 a Gray Flycatcher was reported by Doug Kibbe at Ketring Park.

—On May 6 a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher was reported by Norm Earthal in Eads.
—On May 5 two (2) American Golden Plovers were reported by Peter Burke at 
Sheridan Lake Area.

—On May 8 a Gray Flycatcher was reported by David Dowell at Flagler Reservoir 
State Wildlife Area.

—On May 7 a Yellow-throated Vireo was reported by Ryan Votta at Pastorius 
reservoir this morning.  It was feeding in a small tree beside the bridge over 
the inlet canal before it flew to the cottonwoods along the shoreline to the N 
of the canal. Ryan re-found the vireo about 20 minutes later on the s side of 
the canal in the cottonwoods along the road.  It fed and moved continuously and 
was last seen at 12:45 pm in the small bunch of trees to the east of the inlet 
ditch at the property line.  Within minutes a hail/rain/storm storm blew in.  
Hopefully the cutie sticks around for other birders to enjoy.  
—On May 7 a Blackk Swift was reported by Ryan Votta at Pastor
—On May 7 a Northern Waterthrush first reported on May 4 was photographed by 
Ryan Votta at Pastorious Park.
—On May 6 a Whimbrel was reported by Beth Wolff at Pastorious Park.

—On May 5 a Black-and-white Warbler was reported by Dave Leatherman at 
Fairmount Cemetery. 

—On May 8 a Bay-breasted Warbler was reported by Joey Angstman at the 
Environmental Learning Center in Ft. Collins.
—On May 8 a Hooded Warbler was reported by Greg Golz at ??private residence??.
—May 3 a Scarlet Tanager was reported by David Wade at Lee Martinez Park in the 
large Cottonwoods lining the river near low-dead dam.

—On May 8 a Long-tailed Duck first reported on May 1 was reported by David 
Price by at Redlands Parkway Ponds.

—On May 7 a Grace’s Warbler was reported by Daniel Maynard singing at Pueblo 
Mountain Park near the Environmental Center.
—On may 7 an Acorn Woodpecker was also reported by Daniel Maynard near the 
Environmental Center 
—On May 3 a Northern Waterthrush was reported by Brandon Percival, close to the 
Arkansas River just east of the Fish Hatchery Ponds.

—On May 8 a Magnolia Warbler (ad male) and an American Redstart (ad male) were 
reported by Brandon Percival on the North side of Lamar Community College
—On May 7 two Magnolia Warblers were reported by Glenn Walbek at Lamar 
Community College.
—On May 6 a Golden-winged Warbler was a reported by multiple birders at a 
private ranch.

—On May 1 a Fox Sparrow was reported by Jack Bushong at Bills Ranch Lake.

—On May 6 a Broad-winged Hawk was reported by multiple birders at the Last 
Chance Rest Area.

—On May 8 three Mountain Plovers were reported by Jack Bushon in the fields 
along Lee St and 79.
—On May 8 a Broad-winged Hawk was reported by Jack Bushing circling over Crow 
—On May 6 A Red-bellied Woodpecker was reported by John Reichardt at Crow 
—On May 5 an Eastern Meadowlark was reported by Rachael Hopper near Pawnee 
National Grasslands at Weld Rd 104 just east of 57.
—On May1 a Field Sparrow was reported by Judie Wright at Glenmere Park, west 
edge of pond.

—On May 7 a Great Crested Flycatcher was reported by David Dowell at Sandy 
Buffs State Trust Lands and State Wildlife Area.

Field Trip opportunities:

An ongoing birdwatching opportunity for beginning birders (families & adults)
1-3 p.m. on Sundays May 8, June 5, July 3, Aug. 7, Sept. 4, Oct. 2, and Nov. 6
Beginning birders are invited to experience the fun and discovery of 
birdwatching at Greenlee Wildlife Preserve, 1-3 p.m. on the Sun., May 8 and 
then on the first Sunday of each Month, June  - Nov., 2016.   Knowledgeable 
birdwatchers will be on hand each Sunday with binoculars, spotting scopes and 
learning tools to bring the world of birds alive.  
View ducks, herons and other water birds as well as a variety of songbirds.  
Learn how to use binoculars and field guides and even how to recognize birds by 
sound!   Enjoy show and tell items to enrich the understanding of birds for 
people of all ages.  "Birds" is a verb . . . come join in the fun! 
Greenlee Wildlife Preserve, a marsh adjacent to Waneka Lake, is a property of 
Lafayette Open Space.   To reach the site, park at the east parking lot for 
Waneka Lake (where Emma St. ends at Caria Dr. in Lafayette) and walk 1/3 mile 
around the N.E. side of the Waneka Lake trail.   Signs will direct participants 
to the viewing platform at the marsh.   This program is also made possible by 
Boulder Audubon, the Boulder County Nature Association and Environment for the 
Americas.   Please note:  Children and youth must be accompanied by parents. If 
you have questions, please contact Martin Ogle at   

On Saturday, May 14th, I will lead an morning of birding around the Alamosa 
area. Birders of all levels are invited and it will be a good learning 
experience for all. We will bird local hotspots like South River Road, Golf 
Course, Cougar Woods, Blanca Vista Wetlands, and other places as time allows. 
So here are the details:
Where: Meet at the Alamosa Cemetery  - Alamosa, Colorado
When: Saturday, May 14, 2016 @ 8:00 a.m. - 12:00noon (Rain or Shine)
Who: For anyone interested in birds and their conservation 
What to bring:  Binoculars, cameras, bird guide books, listening ears, sense of 
humor and intrigue, and outdoor clothing suitable for the weather
This will also be a celebration of International Migratory Bird Day. This year 
marks the centennial of bird conservation efforts between Mexico, US and Canada.
Pass the word and hope to see you there...
John Rawinski
Monte Vista, Colorado
San Luis Valley Birder’s Network

Good Birding,
Allison Hilf
Aurora, CO

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