Date:   April 24


phone:  303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, April 24, 2011, updated at
4:40 AM, sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain
Bird Observatory. If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the
recording by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.

Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions, including county
and dates for each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your
last name.

Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information on the
species in this report)

Great Egret (Lake, Montrose)



Glossy Ibis (La Plata)

Broad-winged Hawk (Jefferson, Boulder)

HUDSONIAN GODWIT (Kiowa, Otero, *Boulder))

Short-billed Dowitcher (LaPlata)




Yellow-throated Vireo (*Boulder)

SEDGE WREN (Boulder)

Curve-billed Thrasher (Jefferson)

LUCY'S  WARBLER (Montezuma)







White-throated Sparrow (Jefferson)

Harris's Sparrow (El Paso, Jefferson)


Summer Tanager (Yuma)

Scott's Oriole (*Montezuma)

Arapahoe County:

--A juv NEOTROPIC CORMORANT was reported by Asteriades at the marina at
Cherry Creek State Park on April 8.  It is associating with Double-crested
Cormorants.  It has been seen daily through the 21st.

--Teuton reported an alternate plumaged RED-THROATED LOON near the Marina on
April 19.

Bent County:

--A LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH was reported April 20 by Nelson from Tempel
Grove.To get there, study a map & travel on Highway 287 to Bent County road
A (not signed).  This is south of the Great PlainsReservoirs (NeeGrande,
etc). Road A goes west just before the sign for Prowers County. Go west on A
and then south on the first road. You will then be in Bent County. The
mature trees at Tempel Grove will loom up in front of you. The bird was
still there on 4/21, but very shy. The bird stuck around even after most of
its favored feeding sites were flooded by a sudden, large influx of water
into the canal. The Tempel Ranch property is off limits, but you may walk
 on the path along the canal. As always, please do not disturbthis very rare
warbler. Photographs confirmed the ID as Louisiana Waterthrush and will be
submitted to the Colorado Bird Record Committee of the CFO. Tempel Grove is
a stop on the Colorado Birding Trail.

Boulder County:--A  Yellow-throated Vireo was reported by Alex Brown on 4/21
from near the intersection of the Boulder Creek Trail and the Skunk Creek
Trail, which site is just west of where Arapahoe crosses Boulder Creek.
Later in the day Kaempfer foundit a little south of there. It is best found
by looking through a flock of warblers in that general area.

-- A YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER was found by Gent, & reported by Schmoker on
April 22 & seen again on the 23rd.  It was above the Boulder Creek Path near
the Yellow-throated Vireo site. It was by a small pond NE of a
three-storied, volleyball-netted building on the CU East Campus.

--On 4/21 Floyd reported a PALM WARBLER at the Greenlee Preserve. "The bird
was in that strip of dense vegetation that runs

between the south side of Greenlee Reservoir and the north side of Waneka

--On 4/21 Nunes reported a calling SEDGE WREN "in the extensive cattail
marsh just south of the Eagle Trailhead on 51st St, about 1/8th mile north
of the south entrance to Boulder Reservoir."* *

 The bird is reported as calling (rarely) and visible (not so much).

-- On 4/24 Alan Bell reported a Hudsonian Godwit from the NW corner of
Boulder Reservoir. It had an aberrant light crown.

--On 4/21 Floyd reported a PALM WARBLER at the Greenlee Preserve. "The bird
was in that strip of dense vegetation that runs between the south side of
Greenlee Reservoir and the north side of Waneka Lake."

--On 4/21 Nunes reported a calling SEDGE WREN "in the extensive cattail
marsh just south of the Eagle Trailhead on 51st St, about 1/8th mile north
of the south entrance to Boulder Reservoir."

--On 4/22 and 4/23 several Broad-winged Hawks were seen in Boulder County by
various observers.

Broomfield County:

-- A male Eastern Towhee was reported by Zorawowicz from the southeast
corner of

Plaster Reseroir on April 19. Sanders saw it in the same place later in the
day. This is a first county record.

Jefferson County:

--On April 9, Henwood reported Curve-billed Thrasher, White-throated
Sparrow, GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW,  and Harris's Sparrow at Red Rocks
Trading Post.  Bob Spencer reported these again on April 17, and they were
there on the 20th.

-- On April 16 the Schmokers reported 4 Broad-winged Hawks including one
morph at the Dinosaur Ridge Hawkwatch site, southeast of the intersection
I-70 and Morrison Road. 4 more were seen on the 21st.

Kiowa County:

-- A trio of Hudsonian Godwits was reported by Duane Nelson from NeeNoShe on
April 18. One of these was color banded. Duane learned from several helpful
researchers that the banded bird was a male, banded on Chiloe Island, CHILE,
15 months ago, January, 2010. This is stunning news. Access is from US 287
between Wiley and Eads. The west boat ramp entrance is signed and is north
of Cottonwood Road (Kiowa County Road 41.2). Go east until it is clear that
 you will get stuck in the mud by proceeding farther. These birds were not
seenon 4/19. HOWEVER, Nelson reported 3 Hudsonian Godwits, probably
different individuals, not color banded,at nearby NeeGronda  Reservoir on
the 20th, but were not seen on the 21st.

LaPlata County:  --Beatty saw a Short-billed Dowitcher at Pastorius SWA on

--Allerton reported that Reynolds, Rees and Rees found a Glossy Ibis among
many White-faced Ibison the 20th at Pastorius. On the 221st Beatty found two
Glossy Ibis there.

--On 4/23 Percival found only one Acorn Woodpecker at the usual site near
Durango. Please see the County Birding Website for directions.

Lake: --Kalbach reported a first county record Great Egret from Crystal
Lakes on 4/23.

Logan County:--On 4/22 Kranik reported a juv BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKE east of
Sterling on Highway 138 between CR 36.5 and milepost 6.It was in a field
with Franklin's Gulls and a flock of White-faced Ibis.

Mesa County:  --A BLACK-CHINNED SPARROW was reported by Frid (an Ontario
birder) on Devil's Kitchen Trail in Colorado National Monument on April 9.
 On April 11 Stigen and Arnold were able to relocate a singing BLACK-CHINNED
SPARROW about 300 m up the Devil's Kitchen Trail in a wash beyond Big Sage
in an
open area with native bunch grasses.  On April 12, Trappett and many other
birders were able to see the bird.  On April 13, Shoffner reported the
BLACK-CHINNED SPARROW in late afternoon.  On April 13, Wild reported
another BLACK-CHINNED SPARROW across the road from the trail parking area.
On April 14 Tischbein reported flushing the sparrow from bunch grass.  On
April 15, Gent reported the BLACK-CHINNED SPARROW in the usual spot.  On
April 16, McConnell reported that the sparrow was seen by many birders. It
was still there on 23nd. Parking is limited in the area.  Please do not park
along the road or off
road.  Please stay on trails and use restraint in approaching the bird.
Dogs are not allowed in the monument.  Directions courtesy of Larry Arnold:
use the East entrance to CNM.  After passing through the East Entrance
station go about .2 miles and you will see a road to the right leading to
the Devils Kitchen Picnic Area.  Stay on the main road; on the left side
there is a small parking lot at the Devil's Kitchen Trailhead.  Use that
if space is available.  If space is not available there, use the picnic
parking.  Take the trail. Look and listen for the bird where the trail
levels off in a large sagebrush meadow.

Montezuma County:-- Percival and Rutherford found a LUCY'S WARBLER at its
usual breeding site in Yellow-jacket Canyon on April 22. Directions are at
the County Birding Website.

Montrose County: --On 4/23 Coen reported a Vermillion Flycatcher and a Great
Egret, both first County Records he surmises.

Otero County: --Moss saw 4 HUDSONIAN GODWITS at Lake Holbrook north of
LaJunta on 4/21.

Yuma County -- Dan Maynard saw and heard 2 BAIRD'S SPARROWS in sand-sage
habitat near Wray, Colorado, as well as a Summer Tanager in Wray City Park
on April 21.

Weld County: --A 1st-cyc BLACK-LEGGED KITTIWAKE was reported by Wild at
Windsor Lake- on  April 7, through the 23rd.

The next DFO meeting is tomorrow --

          Jeffrey A. Gordon - The New President of ABA
          What's New at the ABA? / Birding Quiz Show
          Monday, April 25, 2011,  7:30 p.m.

          Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Good Birding.

Joe Roller, Denver

303 204-0828

Please excuse any errors, omissions or format issues, as I have been having
a computer problem.

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