Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date: August 11, 2015
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Tuesday, August 11 sponsored by Denver Field
Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).

Barrow's Goldeneye (Clear Creek)
Red-necked Grebe (Jefferson)
Little Blue Heron (Weld)
Glossy Ibis (Jefferson)
Upland Sandpiper (Douglas, Larimer, Prowers)
Thayer's Gull (Douglas)
Caspian Tern (Alamosa, Boulder, El Paso, Weld)
Black Swift (Pueblo)
Red-headed Woodpecker (El Paso, Jefferson)
Williamson's Sapsucker (Larimer)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Boulder,, *Larimer)
Least Flycatcher (Douglas,Jefferson)
Gray Flycatcher (Alamosa)
Black Phoebe (*Jefferson)
Eastern Phoebe (Douglas/Jefferson, *Jefferson)
Bell's Vireo (Logan)
Purple Martin (Mesa)
Canyon Wren (Park)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Larimer)
McCown's Longspur (Larimer, Weld)
Hooded Warbler (Douglas)
Fox Sparrow (Jackson)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Clear Creek, El Paso)

--At Blanca Wetlands Wildlife Area on July 29, John Rawinski reported 2 ad
Caspian Terns and a Gray Flycatcher.  The terns were using ponds 115 and
107.  The Wildlife area is now open.

--An EASTERN (LILIAN'S) MEADOWLARK has been found by Johanna Beam at
McIntosh Reservoir in the NW corner.  It has
been seen with 2 young.  On July 30, Johanna Beam and Todd Deininger
reported ad EASTERN MEADOWLARK at McIntosh Reservoir.  On August 1, Johanna
Beam and Richard Taylor reported EASTERN MEADOWLARK at McIntosh Reservoir.
On August 2, Todd Deininger reported EASTERN (Lilian's) MEADOWLARK and
Caspian Tern at McIntosh Reservoir.  On August 6, Connie Takamine reported
EASTERN (Lilian's) MEADOWLARK at McIntosh Reservoir.  ON August 10, Steve
Mlodinow reported EASTERN (Lilian's) MEADOWLARK at McIntosh Reservoir.
--2 American Three-toed Woodpeckers were reported by Joe Weufert in Ward on
August 5.

--On August 8 at Echo Lake, Scott Someshoe reported f Barrow's Goldeneye
with 6 young.
--At Mount Evans on August 8, Scott Somehoe reported Brown-capped

--On August 4 at the Marina Sandspit at Chatfield SP, Gabriel Wiltse
reported Upland Sandpiper, Thayer's Gull, and Hooded Warbler.
--On August 4, David Suddjian reported 4 Least Flycatchers at Chatfield SP.

--A Brown-capped Rosy-Finch was reportd by Rod Schmidt on Pike's Peak Hwy
at mm19 on July 31.
--At Ramah SWA, Mel Goff reported 2 Red-headed Woodpeckers and a fly-by
Caspian Tern on August 3.  Take bug repellent.

--A Slate-colored Fox Sparrow was reported by Josh  Bruening at Moose
Visitor Center on July 31.

--On July 14 Scott Somershoe reported Black and Eastern Phoebe at Waterton
Canyon.  On July 24, Scott Somershoe and Lynn Saver reported Black and
Eastern Phoebe at Waterton Canyon between canyon mouth and Waterton Rd.  On
August 4,m Mary O'Connor reported Black and Eastern Phoebe at Waterton
Canyon.  On August 10, David Suddjian reported Black and Eastern Phoebe at
Waterton Canyon from Waterton Road to overhead pipes.
--On July 15, Michel Kiessig reported Eastern Phoebe at Denver Botanic
Gardens at Chatfield.  On July 22, Cynthia Madsen, Jonelle Balais and Janet
Shin reported 2 Eastern Phoebe at Denver Botanic Gardens at Chatfield.  On
July 31, Gerald Baines reported 2 Eastern Phoebe at Denver Botanic Gardens
at Chatfield.
--On July 28, Kate Frost and Michael Kiessig reported 4 Red-headed
Woodpecker (2 ad, 2 juv) at Stony Pass Rd at Wigwam Creek.
--An Eastern Phoebe was reported by David Suddjian on the W side of Platte
River upstream of Kingfisher Bridge on July 28.  On July 29, upstream from
Kingfisher Bridge, David Suddjian reported 4 Least Flycatcher including 2
begging juv and an Eastern Phoebe.  On July 31, Doug Kibbe reported Eastern
Phoebe upstream of Kingfisher Bridge.
--An imm Red-necked Grebe was reported by Jerome Cech on Partridge Open
Space on W 82nd Ave on August 2.
--On August 4, David Suddjian reported 6 Least Flycatchers in Chatfield SP.
--4 Red-headed Woodpecker were reported by George Mayfield on Stony Pass
Road near Wigwam Creek on August 6.  On August 9, Scott Manwaring reported
Red-headed Woodpecker on Stony Pass Road near Wigwam Creek.
--On August 6, Benjamin Peter reported an ad YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON at
Tabor Lake in Wheat Ridge Greenbelt on August 6.  It was on the south side
of the lake off the bike path.  On August 7, Anton Morrison reported Ad
YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON at Tabor Lake in Wheat Ridge Greenbelt.  Todd
Deininger found the YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON in a tree next to Tabor Lake
the morning of August 7.  On August 8, Matt Crooks and many other birders
reported YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON at Tabor Lake.  On August 9, Mackenzie
Goldthwait and many other birders reported YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON at
Tabor Lake.  On August 10, David Suddjian, Scott Somershoe, Dean Shoup, Joe
Roller, Chris Rurik, and Frank Farrell reported YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON.

--On July 25, Nick Komar report 2 singing  BAIRD'S SPARROWS on the W side
of CR 5 near Rawhide Energy Station about 2 miles N oF Buckeye Road.  On
July 26, Alec Hopping, Kevin Keirn, Josh Bruening, Gwen Moore, Georgia
Doyle, and David Wade reported 2 BAIRD'S SPARROW on CR 5 N of Buckeye Rd.
Robert Beauchamp reported BAIRD'S SPARROW on CR 5 N of Buckeye Rd.  On July
27, Todd Deininger, Brad Biggerstaff, and Nick Komar reported 2 BAIRD'S
Sparrows on CR 5 N of Buckeye Rd.  On July 28, Sue Riffe reported 2 BAIRD'S
SPARROWS on CR 5 Between CR 82 and CR 92.  On July 29, Hugh and Urling
Kingery reported 1 BAIRD'S SPARROW on CR 5 between CR 82 and CR 92.  On
July 31, Nick Komar and Andy Bankert reported 2 BAIRD'S SPARROWS on CR 5
between CR 82 and CR 92.  On August 1, a BAIRD'S SPARROW was reported by
Tim Mitzen on CR 5 Between CR 82 and CR 92.  On August 2, Nick Komar,
Austin Hess, David Wade, and Peter Burke reported 2 BAIRD'S SPARROWS, 2
McCown's Longspurs, and a flyover Upland Sandpiper on CR 5 between CR 82
and CR 92.  On August 3, Adam Vesely reported 2 BAIRD'S SPARROWS and an
Upland Sandpiper on CR 5 between CR 82 and CR 92 and Nick Komar reported 5
McCown's Longspurs.  On August 4, Randy Siebert reported 1  BAIRD'S SPARROW
on CR 5 between CR 82 and CR 92.  On August 10, Nick Komar reported 3
BAIRD'S SPARROWS (1 singing ad, 2 juv), 2 Chestnut collared Longspurs, and
1 McCown's Longspur on CR 5 between CR 82 and CR 92.
--On July 29, Hugh and Urling Kingery reported 2 McCown's Longspurs on CR 5
between CR 82 and CR 92.  On July 29, Dave Leatherman reported a few
McCown's Longspurs of all ages on CR 5 between CR 82 and CR 92.  On July
31, Nick Komar and Andy Bankert reported 4 McCown's Longspurs on CR 5
between CR 82 and CR 92.  On August 4 and August 5, Dave Leatherman
reported Chestnut-collared and Mc Cown's Longsours on CR 5 between CR 91
AND CR 92.
--On July 30 in Estes Park, Jim Nelson reported several Williamson's
Sapsuckers.  A juv f was on Mary's Lake Rd between Lower Broadview and
Broadview.  Two were flying on Riverside Drive between Prospect Park Dr and
Manor RV Park.
--An American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Bill Fink at Endovalley
CG in Rocky Mountain NP on August 10.

--An EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE was reported by Gwen Moore and Matt Clark at
Tamarack Ranch SWA on August 9.

--At about 8400 Ft between Collbran and Brush Creek, Nic Korte reported
Purple Martins on August 2 and 3.

--At Guffey Gorge (SE corner of Park County, along Fourmile Creek off CR
102), David Suddjian reported a family of Canyon Wrens on August 3.

--On August 7, Jill White Smith reported 15+ Upland Sandpipers about 5
miles S and 3 miles E of Lamar.

--3 Black Swifts were reported by Dave Silverman flying over Lake Beckwith
in Colorado City on August 3.

--A Caspian Tern was reported by Steve Mlodinow at Firestone Gravel Pits on
July 6.  On July 14, Bill Kaempfer reported 3 Caspian Terns at Firestone
Gravel Pits.  On July 15, Steve Mlodinow reported 3 Caspian Terns at
Firestore Gravel Pits.  On July 22, Steve Mlodinow reported a Caspian Tern
at Firestone Gravel Pits.  On July 26, Christine Alexander reported a
Caspian Tern at Firestone Gravel Pits.  On July 26, Renee and Jesse Casias
reported 2 Caspian Terns at Firestone Gravel Pits.  On July 27, Dean Shoup,
Norm Erthal, and Bob Spencer reported Caspian Tern at Firestone Gravel
Pits.  On August 1, Matt Clark reported Caspian Tern at Firestone Gravel
Pits.  On August 2, Peter Burke reported Caspian Tern at Firestone Gravel
Pits.  On August 3, JD. Birchmeier reported Caspian Tern at Firestone
Gravel Pits.
--An immature Little Blue Heron was reported by Carl Starace at Firestone
Gravel Pits on July 24.  On July 25, Scott Manwaring reported Little Blue
Heron flew east from Firestone Gravel Pits.  On July 30, Carl Starace
reported Little Blue Heron on Firestone Gravel Pit North on CR 9 1/2.  On
August 1, Tim Mitzen, Richard Taylor, and Matt Clark reported Little Blue
Heron at Firestone Gravel Pits.  On August 2, Peter Burke reported Little
Blue Heron at Firestone Gravel Pits.  On August 4, J.D. Birchmeier reported
Little Blue Heron at Firestone Gravel Pits.  On August 7, Sue Riffe
reported Little Blue Heron at Firestone Gravel Pits.
--On July 29, Dave Leatherman reported man McCown's Longspurs in the
Western Unit of Pawnee NG and a nest of Chestnut-collared Longspurs at CR
40 N of CR 114.


The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, August 15 will be to Staunton SP led by
Wendy Wibbens and sue Summer (wibbwj AT; 303-330-1175).
Directions:   take US 285 south to Shafers Crossing, about miles west of
Conifer.  Turn north on Elk Creek Road and follow sign 1.5 miles to park
entrance.  State Parks pass or day pass required.
   Meet the leaders at 000 at the main parking lot at Staunton SP (just
past the entrance station).  Bring binoculars,water, hat, sun screen, but
repellent, snacks, and sturdy hiking shoes; lunch optional.  This is a
moderate level hike with potential for short steep inclines.  Will hike 2-4
miles on either the Davis Ponds Trail or a portion of the Mason Creek
trail.  Habitat can include ponderosa pine, aspen, mountain riparian,
meadows, and cliffs.  All levels of birders welcome.  Register online or
contact leader to register.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday, August 16 will be to Roxborough SP led by
Doris Cruze (cruzeduo; 303-798-8072).  Directions:  Take S
Wadsworth Blvd past Chatfield SP to Waterton Rd on left.  Take Waterton Rd
1.6 miles east to North Rampart Range Road.  Turn right and go south 2.3
miles to Roxborough Park Rd.  Turn Left (east) onto Roxborough Park Rd. and
then turn immediately right (south) on Roxborough Rd and follow sign to the
Park (2.2 miles).  State Parks Pass or day pass required.  Meet the leader
at 0730.
  Bring Binoculars, water, sturdy footwear, and snacks.  Lunch optional.
Register online or contact leader to register.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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