Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
e-mail:     RBA AT
Date:  December 24, 2015
This is the Rare Bird Alert, Thursday, December 24, sponsored by Denver
Ornithologists and the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

Highlight species include: (* indicates new information on this species).

Trumpeter Swan (Boulder, Grand, Mesa)
Tundra Swan (Boulder, Larimer)
White-winged Scoter (Arapahoe, Jefferson, Otero)
Black Scoter (Otero)
Long-tailed Duck (Arapahoe, Douglas, *El Paso, Weld)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Arapahoe, Eagle, Larimer, Moffat)
Pacific Loon (Bent, Larimer)
Red-necked Grebe (Larimer)
Dunlin (Larimer)
Thayer's Gull (Adams, Arapahoe,  Boulder, Larimer, Otero, Pueblo)
Iceland Gull (Arapahoe)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Adams, Arapahoe, Larimer, Pueblo, Washington,
Glaucous Gull (Larimer)
Great Black-backed Gull (Pueblo)
White-winged Dove (Boulder, *El Paso, Pueblo)
Greater Roadrunner (Baca, Bent, Otero)
SNOWY OWL (Denver,  Douglas)
Burrowing Owl (Denver)
White-throated Swift (Pueblo)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Bent, Pueblo)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker (*El Paso,  Pueblo)
Black Phoebe (Fremont)
Eastern Phoebe (El Paso, Weld)
Chihuahuan Raven (Otero, El Paso)
Canyon Wren (Pueblo)
Winter Wren (Baca, Washington)
Carolina Wren (*Jefferson)
Bewick's Wren (Baca, Otero)
Varied Thrush (Grand)
Gray Catbird (Boulder)
Curve-billed Thrasher (Bent, El Paso)
Brown/Long-billed Thrasher (*Weld)
Lapland Longspur (Denver, Yuma)
Chestnut-collared Longspur (Weld)
Snow Bunting (Weld)
Pine Warbler (Boulder)
Yellow-throated Warbler (Larimer)
Canyon Towhee (Otero, Bent)
Red Fox Sparrow (Denver, Morgan, Yuma)
Northern Cardinal (Boulder)
Lazuli Bunting (Larimer)
Rusty Blackbird (Fremont, Pueblo)
Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (Grand, Jefferson)
Black Rosy-Finch (Grand, 8Jefferson)
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Grand, *Jefferson)
PURPLE FINCH (Bent, El Paso)
White-winged Crossbill (Clear Creek)
Common Redpoll (Adams, Bent, *Jefferson, Larimer, Routt, Yuma)

--A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Ira Sanders at Barr Lake SP on
November 28.  A Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Kevin Keirn at
Barr Lake SP on Decenber 5.  On December 6, Scott Manwaring reported Lesser
Black-backed Gull and Thayer's Gull at Barr Lake SP.  On December 10, David
Dowell reported 4 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 1 ad Thayer's Gull at Barr
Lake SP.  On December 12, Candice Johnson reported Lesser Black-backed Gull
at Barr Lake.  On December 13, Sue Riffe reported 3 Lesser Black-backed
Gulls at Barr Lake.
--8 Common Redpolls were reported by Brian Berry at Barr Lake SP on
December 21.

--On December 12, Glenn Walbek reported f Long-tailed Duck, Barrow's
Goldeneye, ad Glaucous Gull, and ad Lesser Black-backed Gull at Cherry
Creek SP.  On December 14, Bob Righter reported f-type Long-tailed Duck at
Cherry Creek Reservoir.
--A White-winged Scoter was reported by Tim King at South Platte Reservoir
on December 14.  On December 18, Charles Lawrence reported White-winged
Scoter at South Platte Reservoir.
--On December 18 at Aurora Reservoir, David Dowell reported 1 ad Iceland
Gull (Kumlieni), 2 Thayer's Gulls (1 ad, 1 juv), and 2 ad Lesser
Black-backed Gulls.
--A White-winged Scoter was reported by Scott Somershoe at McLellan
Reservoir on December 19.  On December 20, Nelson Ford reported
White-winged Scoter at McLellan Resedrvoir.

--On December 21, Steve Mlodinow reported Greater Roadrunner, 2 Winter
Wren, and 16 Bewick's Wrens in Cottonwood Canyon.

--On November 16, Duane Nelson reported that he has had f-type PURPLE
FINCH, m Red-bellied Woodpecker, Curve-billed Thrasher, and Canyon Towhees
visit his feeders in Las Animas.  Birders are welcome if you notify Duane
in advance at dnelson1  On November 19, Duane Nelson
reported that the f-type PURPLE FINCH returned and the other birds continue.
--Duane Nelson reported 3 Canyon Towhees, 1 Curve-billed Thrasher, and 1
Red-bellied Woodpecker at his feeder on December 15 for the John Martin
CBC.  Also found on the count were 2 Roadrunners, Pacific Loon, and Kathy
Mihm Dunning photographed a Common Redpoll.

--On November 24, Stephen Knox reported Golden-crowned Sparrow at Teller
Farm.On November 27, Ted Floyd and Tracy Pheneger reported Golden-crowned
Sparrow at Teller Farm.  On December 6, Jack B, holdne Maxfield, and Ryan
Bushong reported Golden-crowned Sparrow at Teller Farm.  On December 19
Steve Frye reported Golden-crowned Sparrow at Teller Farm.  On December 21,
Todd Deininger reported Golden-crowned Sparrow at Teller Farm.
--On December 9, Carl Starace reported a pair of Trumpeter Swans and W end
of Burch Lake.  Burch Lake is S of Hwy 66 and just W of N 75th in
Longmont.  On December 10, John Vanderpoel reported pair of Trumpeter Swans
at Burch Lake.
--On December 17, Bill Kaempfer reported Tundra Swan at Valmont Complex.
--On December 19, Ira Sanders reported 3 Trumpeter Swans N of Hwy 66 at
58rd Road which is the road to Rabbit Mountain.
--On December 20, Bill Schmoker reported Golden-crowned Sparrow, Gray
Catbird, Pine Warbler, Northern Cardinal and White-winged Dove, Lesser
Black-backed Gull on the Boulder CBC.

--2 White-winged Crossbills were reported by Scott Manwaring on Guanella
Pass on December 11.

--A SNOWY OWL was reported by Bill Hutchinson in Adams County on December
5, but he did not disclose the exact location so it could have been in
Denver County.  In most of the reports of the DIA SNOWY OWL on eBird on
December 6 appear to
be in Denver County.  The county lines near the airport are confusing.  The
DIA SNOWY OWL was reported by Behnfield and many other birders on December
6.  On December 7, Bart DeFerme and many others reported SNOWY OWL and
Burrowing Owl at DIA.  The SNOWY OWL was not seen on December 8.  On
December 9, the DIA SNOWY OWL was reported by Cynthia Madsen and Norm
Erthal around noon near the usual spot of E 114th and Trussville.  Cynthia
Madsen also reported 8 Lapland Longspurs at the same spot.  Kyle Medina
also reported the SNOWY OWL around 2 pm.  The SNOWY OWL was seen around
3:30 pm by the Drummond party on December 9.  The SNOWY OWL was not seen on
December 10.  On December 12, Matt Clark reported SNOWY OWL and 2 Lapland
Longspurs on the DIA owl loop.
--15 Lapland Longspurs were reported by David Dowell at DIA NE on December
10.  On December 11, Chris Rurik reported 20 Lapland Longspurs at DIA Owl
--A Slate-colored Fox Sparrow was reported by George Mayfield at Bear Creek
Park on December 19.

--A juv SNOWY OWL was reported by Steve Stachowiack at the South Entrance
of Chatfield SP on December 19.
--2 Long-tailed Ducks were reported by Joey Kellner at Chafield SP on the
Denver CBC on December 19.  On December 20,
Scott Somershoe reported one Long-tailed Ducks at Chatfield.  On December
21, Bryan Arnold reported 3 Long-tailed Ducks at Chatfield.

--On December 20, Louise Glaser reported 18 Barrow's Goldeneyes (14f, 4m)
on the Frying Pan River near Basalt.

--4 Long-tailed Ducks were reported by Mark Peterson at Big Johnson on
December 11.  On December 13, David Chartier reported 2 Long-tailed Ducks
at Big Johnson.  On December 16, Bill Maynard reported 4 Long-tailed Ducks
at Big Johnson.
--On December 14 on the Fountain Creek RP CBC, Ted Floyd reported Winter
Wren and f-type PURPLE FINCH.  On December 14, Dan Maynard reported
Chihuahuan Raven, Curve-billed Thrasher, and Eastern Phoebe on the Fountain
Creek RP CBC.  On December 16, Jeannie Mitchell reported PURPLE FINCH ata
Fountain Creek RP near feeders in front of nature center.
--The f ACORN WOODPECKER has returned to the Willow Circle neighborhood in
Colorado Springs.  Marty Wolf first discovered her on December 18 and his
CBC team observed the woodpecker again on December 19.  Please observe from
Willow Circle or Cheyenne Blvd and stay off of private property.  On
December 21, Monday Birders reported ACORN WOODPECKER in willow Circle
--On December 19, Tyler Stuart reported the following on the Colorado
Springs CBC:  4 Long-tailed Ducks, Yellow-belllied Sapsucker, and
White-winged Dove.

--A Black Phoebe was reported by SeEtta Moss at Fremont Sanitation Plant in
Florence on December 13.
--A Rusty Blackbird was reported by Dale Adams at Florence River Park on
December 20.

--A Varied Thrush has been visiting the yard of Cathy Craig in Granby since
late November.  Cathy is willing to allow birders to come and try to see
the thrush.  But she does not want anyone to come closer to the feeders
than the block that she will place in the driveway.  Please contact her at
PioneerCSC at for information.  On December 6, Carol Hunter and
Cathy Craig reported that the Varied Thrush continues to come to the
feeders.  On December 8, Mark Chavez reported Varied Thrush, 100
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, and 5 Brown-capped Rosy-Finch in Granby at home of
Cathy Craig.  On December 12, Scott Manwaring reported Varied Thrush, 4
Hepburn's Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, 55 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch and 1 Black
Rosy-Finch at yard of Cathy Craig in Granby.  On December 15, Cathy Craig
reported that the  Varied Thrush continues to visit her yard along with
Rosy-Finches.  On December 17, Cathy Craig reported that the Varied Thrush
continues to vist her yard.  On December 18 Gwen Moore reported Varied
Thrush, Gray-crowned and Black Rosy-Finch att yard of Cathy Craig in Granby.
--Cathy Craig reported a Trumpeter Swan on Lake Granby on December 15.
--Gray-crowned and Black Rosy-Finches were reported by Forrest Luke at a
feeder of of 9th St in Kremmling on December 14.
--All 3 species of Rosy-Finches were coming to a feeder about 10 miles
south of Kremmling off CR 100 which is accessed off CR10 whichis accessed
off Hwy 9 as reported by Forrest Luke on December 14.

--On December 7, a f White-winged Scoter was reported by David Suddjian at
South Platte Reservoir.  On December 8, Phil Lyon reported White-winged
Scoter at South Platte Reservoir.  On December 13, Dale Pate reported
White-winged Scoter at South Platte Reservoir
--On December 17, Scott Somershoe reported Gray-crowned, Brown-capped, and
Black Rosy-Finch and Common Redpoll at feeders at the home of Ira Sanders
at 314 Defrance Ct in Golden.  Ira welcomes birders.  On December 18, Tom
Behnfield and Frank Farrell reported Common Redpoll, Gray-crowned
Rosy-Finch, and Hepburn's Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch at feeders of Ira Sanders
in Golden.  On December 19, Jayne reported Common Redpoll at thistle feeder
at Ira Sanders.  On December 20, Ira Sanders reported Common Redpoll at his
feeders.  On December 22, Ira Sanders reported Common Redpoll and
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches at his feeders.  On December 23, Ira Sanders
reported Common Redpoll, Gray-crowned and Black Rosy Finches at his feeders.
--On December 23, A Carolina Wren was reported by Gwen Moore, Matt Clark,
and Susan Bonfiglio near Wadsworth between W 26th and W 29th Ave in Wheat

--A Dunlin was reported by Irene Fortune at Lake Loveland on November 29.
On November 30, Nick Komar reported Dunlin at Lake Loveland.  Two Dunlin
were reported by Nick Komar and Mark Chavez at Lake Loveland on December
1.  On December 3, Irene Fortune reported pair of Dunlin at Lake Loveland.
On December 4, 2 Dunlin were reported by Lori Zabel, Chris Goulart, and
David Wade at Lake Loveland.  On December 5, Dave Leatherman reported 2
Dunlin in the NW corner of Lake Loveland.  On December 6, 1 Dunlin was
reported by Denise Bretting at Lake Loveland.  On December 9, Gregg
Goodrich reported Dunlin and Lesser Black-backed Gull at Lake Loveland.  On
December 10, Josh Bruening reported 2 Dunlin and Lesser Black-backed Gull
and Thayer's Gull at Lake Loveland.  On December 11, Josh Bruening reported
1 Dunlin and imm Glaucous Gull at Lake Loveland.  On December 12, John
Shenot reported ad Lesser Black-backed Gull at Lake Loveland.  On December
12, Nick Komar reported 3 Thayer's Gulls at Lake Loveland.
--A Red-necked Grebe and Pacific Loon were reported by Andy Bankert at
Rawhide Power Plant on December 6.  On December 7, Dave Leatherman reported
Red-necked Grebe and Pacific Loon at Hamilton Reservoir by Rawhide Power
On December 10, Josh Bruening reported Red-necked Grebe and f Barrow's
Goldeneye at Rawhide Power Plant.
--On December 8 Josh Bruening reported m Barrow's Goldeneye at Timnath
--On December 11, Jeff Birek reported Yellow-throated Warbler in Fort
Collins.  The warbler is visiting the feeders in the backyard of Luke
Caldwell at 1520 W Mountain.  Caldwell welcomes birders to enter his yard
through the front and proceed along the east side.  The bird spends most of
the time visitng the feeder in the pine trees along the east fence line
near the alley.  On December 22 David Wade reported Yellow-throated Warbler
at 1520 W. Mountain.
--On December 12 at Larimer County Landfill, Nick Komar reported 2nd-cyc
Glaucous Gull, 3 Thayer's Gulls, and 6 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
--On December 16, Andy Bankert reported Red-necked Grebe and Thayer's Gull
at Douglas Reservoir.
--An ad m Lazuli Bunting was reported by Rachel Hopper at The Gardens on
Spring Creek in Fort Collins on December 19.
--2 Tundra Swan were reported by Casey Setash at Douglas Reservoir on
December 19.
--8 Common Redpolls were reported by Nick Komar and Ken Pals in Wellington
in neighborhood SE of Waverly on December 19 as part of the Fort Collins

--At Highline Lake SP on November 28, Mike Henwood and Rom Lambeth reported
5 ad Trumpeter Swans.  On November 29, Nic Korte reported 5 Trumpeter Swans
at Highline Lake SP.  On December 4, Mike Henwood reported 10 Trumpeter
Swans (9 ad, 1 juv) at Highline Lake SP.  On December 6, David Price
reported 7 Trumpeter Swans at Highline Lake SP.  On December 9, Steve Brown
report 10 Trumpeter Swans including 1 juv at Highline Lake SP.

--An EASTERN MEADOWLARK was reported by Jeff Dawson at Narrows Dam Site on
December 16.
--A "red"  Fox Sparrow was reported by Bill Kaempfer along CO 144 between
Weldona and Fort Morgan on the Eldona/Fort Morgan CBC on December 16.

--A White-winged Scoter was reported by Stan Oswald at Holbrook Reservoir
on December 2.  On December 7, Stan Oswald reported White-winged Scoter and
f Black Scoter at Holbrook Reservoir.  On December 11, Norm Erthal reported
Black Scoter and White-winged Scoter at Holbrook Reservoir.  On December
13, Stan Oswald reported Black Scoter and White-winged Scoter at Holbrook
Reservoir.  On December 16, Gwen Moore reported Black Scoter and
White-winged Scoter at Holbrook Reservoir.
--On December 14, Gwen Moore reported 2nd-cyc Thayer's Gull at Holbrook
--On December 21, Steve Mlodinow reported Greater Roadrunner, 2 Chihuahuan
Ravens, Bewick's Wren, and 4 Canyon Towhees around Higbee Cemetery.

--On December 2, Margie Joy reported seeing White-throated Swifts at Pueblo
Reservoir.  On December 3,
Brandon Percival and Steve Mlodinow reported 17 White-throated Swifts over
the Arkansas River and Valco Ponds #2 and #3.  This is the first state
record of White-throated Swifts in December.   On December 5, Bill Kaempfer
reported 3 White-throated Swifts at Valco Ponds SWA and Chris Gilbert
reported 2 White-throated Swifts at Pueblo Reservoir.    On December 7,
Margie Joy reported that White-throated Swifts continue to be seen along
the Arkansas River below Pueblo Reservoir Dam.  On December 11, Stephany
McNew reported 4 White-throated Swifts at Valco Ponds SWA.  On December 15,
Preston Larimer reported about 15 White-throated Swifts over the Arkansas
River near Osprey Picnic Area.  On December 20, Aaron Driscoll reported 100
White-throated Swifts at Pueblo Reservoir South Shore Marina.
--By the South Shore Marina tires, Steve Mlodinow reported 5 ad Lesser
Black-backed Gulls and Brandon Percival reported that the Great
Black-backed Gull continues.  On December 11, Norm Erthal reported Great
Black-backed Gull at S Shore Marina tires of Pueblo Reservoir.
--On December 19 on the Pueblo Reservoir CBC, Brandon Percival reported 33
White-throated Swifts (first time on count),
--On December 22 on the Pueblo CBC, Brandon Percival reported Thayer's
Gull, Lesser Black-backed Gull, White-winged Dove, Red-bellied Woodpecker,
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, and Rusty Blackbird.

--A Common Redpoll was reported by Tom Litteral on the Steamboat Springs
CBC on December 21.

--A Winter Wren and a juv Lesser Black-backed Gull were reported by David
Dowell at Prewitt Reservoir on December 13

--2 Long-tailed Ducks were reported by Norm Erthal at Poudre Ponds in
Greeley on December 7.  The ponds are on 35th Ave N of F Street.
--On CR 125 from Carr to US 95, Steve Mlodinow reported 35 Hepburn's
Gray-Crowned Rosy-Finch and 45 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, and 1 Black
Rosy-Finch on December 11.
--At Pawnee National Grasslands Adams and Bunker Reservoir #1 on December
11, Steve Mlodinow reported 125 Lapland Longspurs, 1 Chestnut-collared
Longspur, and 1 Snow Bunting.
--An ad Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Gary Lefko at a frozen
pond W of Windsor Lake on December 13.
--A Brown/Long-billed Thrasher was reported by Bill Prather at a ditch on
the South side of Union Reservoir on December 23.  The bird is difficult to
see so Bill hopes that someone can get a good photo to make a positive

--On December 17, at Bonny Reservoir SWA below the dam, Loch Kilpatrick
reported "Red" Fox Sparrow and Common Redpoll.
--On December 18, Glenn Walbek reported "Red" Fox Sparrow, Common Redpoll,
and 13 Lapland Longspsur at Hale Ponds.

DFO Field Trips:
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, December 26 will be to Cherry Creek State
Park led be Karen von Slatza (kvonslatza AT; 303-941-4881).
Enter at the EAST entrace to the park from South Parker Road.  NOTE:  this
is NOT the regular meeting site for most trips.  Go past the entrance
kioask and take the first left turn.  Continue on this road, past the east
boat ramp and turn left to the "East Shades, Picnic Shelters,"  as shown on
the park map, located on the east shore of the lake.  State Parks pass or
day pass required.  Meet the leader at 0900.
  Cherry creek Reservoir may be iced over.  Raptors usually are abundant; a
great chance to study eagle behavior.  Trails may be slippery, so wear
sturdy footwear  Bring snacks and water.  Scopes and lunch optional.  May
carpool to several points in the park.  Register online or contact leader.

The DFO Field Trip for Sunday December 27 will be to Barr  Lake State Park
led by Gregg Goodrich (GreggGoodrich AT; 303-655-9135)  Meet at
0800 at Barr Lake SP Visitor Center.  State Parks pass or day pass
required.  From Denver, take east I-76 to Bromley Lane, exit 22.  Go east
on Bromley Lane to Piccadilly Road, then turn south for about 2 miles to
park entrace and folow road to Visitor Center.
   Bring snacks, lunch, and plenty of water.  Trip may be 3/4 day depending
on birds and weather.  Beginners are welcome.  Register online or contact

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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