Date:   February 21, 2011
phone:  303-659-8759

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Monday, February 21, 2011 at 5 am,
sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird

If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by
pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your
name, phone
number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each
sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include:  (* denotes that there is new information on
the species in this report)
Long-tailed Duck (Denver)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Adams, Delta, Douglas, *Larimer, Summit)
Wild Turkey (Adams/Denver)
White-winged Dove (Boulder)
Chihuahuan Raven (*El Paso)
Winter Wren (*Boulder, El Paso)
Curve-billed Thrasher (Jefferson)
Swamp Sparrow (Boulder)
White-throated Sparrow (Jefferson)
Harris's Sparrow (Jefferson)
Snow Bunting (*Routt)
Gray-crown Rosy-Finch (Jefferson, Rio Blanco, Routt, Saguache)
Black Rosy-Finch (Jefferson, Rio Blanco, Saguache)

Adams County:
--Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Andrews on the South Platte River
between 78th and 88th Ave by the green water tank on February 15.  There
were 3 males and 2 females.

Adams/Denver Counties:
--6 Wild Turkeys were reported by Gilbert along the Platte River about 1/2
mile south of 64th and York on February 18.  Riverside Cemetery is to the
east and Crown Recycling Plant to the west.   Wild Turkeys are on the Adams
County list but not on the Denver County list.

Boulder County:
--Floyd reports that the Swamp Sparrow continues at Greenlee Preserve at
least through February 13.
--A pair of White-winged Doves was reported by Pieplow at feeders on the
east side of Spine Road north of White Rock Circle on February 15..
--Severs reports that the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW continues near the Teller
Farm North parking lot at least through February 16.   Head along the trail
west and it was long the fence line planted with Skunk brush and Plum in
piles of tumbleweeds.  On February 17, Heinrich refound the
GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW.  Heinrich reported that the flock of sparrows also
moves to the north side of Valmont near the White Farm House.  On February
19, Gent refound the GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW along the trail west of the
parking lot,  it was on the trail for a short time, then flew across Valmont
to the weeds on the west side of the White Farm House.  When the sparrows
are on the ground feeding, they are difficult to find.
--A Winter Wren was reported by Nunes on Boulder Creek in a Willow Tangle.
This spot is
NW of the water treatment plant by Cottonwood Marsh.

Delta County:
--4 TUNDRA SWANS were reported by Luke at Confluence Park in Delta on
February 17 at 0830 but were gone when he returned at 1030.  Luke also
reported 25 Barrow's Goldeneyes on the river at the north end of the park.

Denver County:
--A female Long-tailed Duck was reported by Deininger on the Platte River
next to the parking lot for Overland Park on February 14.   On February 17,
Henwood was walking north from the parking lot when the female Long-tailed
Duck flew by and landed on the Platte River.

Douglas County:
--2 Barrow's Goldeneyes (1m, 1f) were reported by Spellman in Parker at
Twenty Mile Pond on January 30 and were seen again by Henwood on February 16
and Kingery on February 17.  Direction:  From the main interection in
Parker, go west toward Cherry Creek on Parker Main Street;  at Twenty-Mile
Road, just before Cherry Creek turn left, and then right into the parking
lot.  Stay behind the fence to avoid flushing the waterfowl.

El Paso County:
--A Winter Wren was reported by Chartier at Fountain Creek Regional Park on
February 19.  It was on the edge of the water on the west side of the trail
directly across from MM 18.
--A Chihuahuan Raven was reported by Jeff Jones on Squirrel Creek Road east
of Peyton Hwy on February 20.

Fremont County:
--An imm male PINE WARBLER was reported by Drummond on the DFO field trip to
Canon City on February 17.  The warbler was at the west end of Canon City
Riverwalk about 150 yards east of Sells Ave along the Bluff Trail.  On
February 20, Rich Miller found PINE WARBLER just west of the 1/2 mile marker
on the Bluff Trail.
Jefferson County:
--On February 15, Heinrich reported Curve-billed Thrasher, Harris's Sparrow
and GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at Red Rocks Trading Post.  On February 18,
Henwood reported that the Curve-billed Thrasher, Harris's Sparrow, and 1
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch were seen at Red Rocks.

Larimer County:
--An adult YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was reported by Mammoser on
January 26 or 27th and by Leatherman on February 7 at Grandview
Cemetery.  On February 13, Leatherman reported both juv and ad male
YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER at Grandview Cemetery.  The juv was in the NE
Corner and the ad in the SW Corner.  On February 14, Mammoser
reported seeing both sapsuckers in the same area as Leatherman reported on
February 13.
On February 15, the ad male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER was seen by
Leatherman in the American Linden with old sap wells.  Directions:  From the
cemetery Entrance at the west end of Mountain Ave.  Cross the bridge over
the ditch, make an immediate left, go south along the ditch about 50 yards
to the road dividing Sections G and 8, turnright (west) and go another 50
yards to the second black security light pole on your left.  The American
Linden of interest to the sapsucker is the large-diameter shade tree several
feet south of the second light pole.  On February 16, Leatherman reported
that the adult male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER spent the morning in the pine
grove east of the porta potty in the SW corner of the cemetery.   On
February 18, Leatherman reported that the adult male YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCK
was in the Austrian Pine grove east of the porta potty at noon, but was not
there earlier in the morning.  Leatherman reports that there are a
lot of woodpeckers in those pines so be careful in identifying the
--A female Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Lefko at Prospect Ponds
Natural Area in Fort Collins on February 20.  It was in the SE corner of the
middle pond.

Morgan County:
--A female EURASIAN WIGEON was reported by Walker in a slough on the north
side of Wal-Mart Parking lot fence in Fort Morgan on February 11.  He
reports that the wigeon has been around for about 2 weeks and keeps company
with male American Wigeon.  Wal-Mart is at exit 81.

Pueblo County:
--GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL continues at Pueblo Reservoir by the South Marina
as reported by Batkin on February 11.

Rio Blanco County:
--Gray-crowned and Black Rosy-Finches were reported by Luke north of Meeker
on Hwy 13 near the house that used to have great feeders on February 17.

Routt County:
--Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches (and a few Brown-capped Rosy-Finches) were
reported by Merrill visitng the feeders at the Steamboat Spring ski area
feeding station on top of Mt Werner (just off the Bar UE Chairlift) on
January 20 and continue to be observed daily.  Hopper reported that the
Gray-crowned continue at the feeders on February 13.
--3 Snow Buntings were reported by Litteral on CO 131 1 mile north of
Toponas at the north end of stacks of hay.

Saguache County:
--On Poncha Pass (US 285) McConnell reported all 3 species of Rosy-Finches.
At MM 117 there were mostly Brown-capped, at MM 118 there were 20+
Gray-crowned and at least 2 Black.

Summit County:
--15+ Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Niyo at the Silverthorne Sewage
Ponds on February 14.

The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, February 26 will be to South Platte River
north from 88th Avenue led by Paul Slingsby (303-422-3728).  Meet at 0800 at
the Open Space trailhead at 88th Avenue just west of the South Platte
River.  88th Avenue is exit number 10 from I-76.  This will be a slightly
long 1/2 day trip with some easy walking on open space trails.  Scopes are
optional.  Be prepared for cold weather and possibly wind.  Please call Paul
Slingsby (303-422-3728), if you plan to join this trip.

The next monthly meeting of Denver Field Ornithologists will be on Monday,
February 28 at 7:30 pm at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Ricketson
Auditorium.  Paul Bannick will give a presentation on "Owls & Woodpekcers of
the West: A Visual Feast".

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine
Boulder, Co

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