Compiler: Joyce Takamine
Date:       June 2, 2013
email:      rba AT
phone:     303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, June 2, 2013  sponsored by
the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. If
you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting.
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in
this report):

Little Blue Heron (Logan)
Green Heron (El Paso)
Glossy Ibis (Washington)
Least Tern (Mesa)
Eastern Phoebe (Baca, Yuma)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Yuma)
Cassin's Kingbird (Baca, San Miguel)
Yellow-throated Vireo (El Paso, *Larimer)
Purple Martin (Montrose)
Ovenbird (Boulder)
Northern Parula (Bent,
Boulder, El Paso)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Boulder, El Paso)
Blackpoll Warbler (El Paso)
Palm Warbler (El Paso)
Black & White Warbler (El Paso)
Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Baca)
Painted Bunting (Baca)
Scott's Oriole (San Miguel)

--On May 26, McConnell reported a Painted Bunting at Cottonwood Canyon,
just north and east of the camping area.   On May 28, Filby reported that
the Painted Bunting continues in Cottonwood Canyon at the informal campsite
at north end of Cottonwood Canyon.  Filby also reported on May 28 at
Cottonwood Canyon,  m Summer Tanager, Rufous-crowned Sparrows in rimrock
areas, Eastern Phoebes and Cassin's Kingbirds.

--A singing M Northern Parula was reported by Duane Nelson at Van's Grove
on May 26.

--A f Northern Parula was reported by Floyd at Greenlee Preserve in
Lafayette on May 30.  On May 31, Vanderpoel reported a singing subad m
Northern Parula by Waneka Lake near the for in trail close to 2 dead
Cottonwood Trees.
--On May 29, 4 Ovenbirds were heard by Morton singing on the Skunk Creek
Trail on Boulder Open Space.
*--*A f Chestnut-sided Warbler was found by Burke on the CU East Campus in
Boulder on May 29.

*--*On May 28,  Bill Maynard reported a western Palm Warbler on the lake
side of the recreation building at Memorial Park in Downtown Colorado
Springs feeding in short bushes next to a wall.
 --On May 27, Farese reported a singing Yellow-throated Vireo, 3 Blackpoll
Warblers (2 m, 1 f) in the "Grandfather Cottonwood" tree,
and 1 Northern Parula near the Gazebo at the S end of Rice's Pond at
Fountain Creek Regional Park.  On May 28, Bill Maynard
reported the Yellow-throated Vireo by the irrigation ditch with the wood
bridge and 2 male Blackpoll Warblers in the "Grandfather Cottonwood" tree.
 At a spot between Duckwood Parking Area and Hanson NP Maynard reported a
singing Indigo  Bunting on May 28.  On May 28, Pals reported a Northern
Parula by the irrigation ditch east of headgate/waterfall area at Fountain
Creek RP,
a Chestnut-sided Warbler in an Ash tree at the south end of the Nature
Center Pond, and a Green Heron in South Rice's Pond.
--On May 23, Goycoolea saw a BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER around 5:00 PM just south
of the play area in the willows at the Beidleman Environmental
Center/Soderman Park in Colorado Springs. (This was reported to Pals via*
email on 5/24) The Warbler was seen on May 25 by B. Maynard, it was
foraging for long periods at all heights in most of the trees, coniferous
and deciduous, that surround the parking lot, at the same location. It was
seen by many birders on May 26, and last seen by Pals at the same location
around 7:00 PM.

--On June 1, at Chico Basin Ranch Percival reported a singing m
GOLDEN-WINGED WARBLER in tall Elm Trees at the banding station.

--A Yellow-throated Vireo was reported by Leatherman on the S edge of
Grandview Cemetery, next to City Park Golf Course on May 31.  On June 1,
Summers found the Yellow-throated Vireo in the SE corner of Grandview
Cemetery singing quite a bit.
--On June 1, Sparks repored an Indigo Bunting at Lee Martinez Park in Fort

--On May 27, Kibbe reported an ad Little Blue Heron on the north side of US
138 between CR 40 and CR 34.5 in a flooded field.

--A Least Tern was found by Lee Stigen at Blue Heron Pond in Grand Junction
on May 29.   On May 31, Stigen reported that the Least Tern continues at
the first pond up river from Junior Service League Parking Area near
Redlands and Riverside Parkways.

*--*On May 28, Dexter reported LESSER NIGHTHAWKS in Nucla.  Dexter reported
Ponds on May 29 and a pair of Purple Martins on the power lines.  On May
31, Dexter reported one f LESSER NIGHTHAWK at the Nucla Sewer Ponds.

--On May 25, Mlodinow reports a GRAY VIREO at the Holyoke Cemetery.

*--*On May 28, Percival reported a singing male Blackpoll Warbler at the
east end of Osprey Picnic Area in Rock Canyon.

On May 27, Dexter reported a Scott's Oriole in a grove of cottonwoods on
the Dolores River and a Cassin's Kingbird.

--On May 26, Mlodinow reports a singing EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE in the town of
Julesburg, in the alley between 4th and 5th street, just north of Maple,
near a yard with three dogs.


--On May 26, Kellner reports the SCISSOR-TAILED FLYCATCHER, first seen by
Walbek on May 24, was refound west of Last Chance, along Hwy 36 between
Washington County road B and B.5 around 6:00 pm.  On May 26, Kibbe reported
the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher west of Last Chance north of  milepost 131 on
Hwy 36 (about 3 miles west of Last Chance
--On May 27, Mlodinow reported a Glossy Ibis at the Akron Golf Course.

--On May 28, Mlodinow reported 3 Veery at Crow Valley Campground.

--On May 26, Kibbe reported an Eastern Phoebe under the US 385 bridge west
of Bonny Reservoir.
--On May 26, Kibbe reported a pair of Great Crested Flycatcher on the state
line just east of Hale Ponds.

The DFO field trip for Sunday, June 2 will be to Palmer Lake area led by
John Drummond.  John will select a
trail based on conditions.  Meet at 0700 at the Monument Park-n-Ride, exit
161 off of I-25.  The Park-n-Ride is on the EAST side of I-25 off Woodmoor
Dr.  Will car pool to one of trailheads.  Expect to hike up to 2 miles
uphill for half day. Bring water, hat sunscreen, snack.  Please preregister
for the trip at  Maximum of 12 participants due to narrow
trails and busy Sunday traffic.

Good Birding,
Joyce Takamine

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