Compiler: Joe Roller


Date: Report for Monday, May 13, 2013, 1 PM****

email: rba AT****

phone: 303-659-8750

** **

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Monday, May 13, 2013, updated at 1

sponsored by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory. If****

you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the****

star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone****

number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.**

It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.****


Highlight species include: (* denotes that there is new and often accurate
information on this****

species in this report)

Glossy Ibis (*Jefferson)

Broad-winged Hawk (Prowers)****

Black-bellied Plover (Weld)

Shorebird assortment: Semipalmated Plover, Willet, Marbled Godwit (Weld)

Whimbrel (Weld)

Ruby-throated Hummingbird (Prowers)

Gray Flycatcher (Boulder, Jefferson)

Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (Washington)

Yellow-throated Vireo (Baca, Bent, *Prowers)

Cassin's Vireo (*Bent, Boulder, Jefferson)

Philadelphia Vireo (Baca)

Veery (El Paso/Pueblo)

GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH (Baca, Prowers, El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo, Weld)

Ovenbird (Baca)

Northern Waterthrush (Boulder, El Paso, Jefferson, Washington)

Blackpoll Warbler (Baca, Bent,  El Paso Prowers, Jefferson)****

Black-and-White Warbler (Baca, Bent, Boulder, Washington)

Blue-winged Warbler (Prowers)****

Tennessee Warbler (Baca, Jefferson, Larimer)

Nashvile Warbler (Bent, Boulder, Fremont, Larimer, Prowers)

Virginia's Warbler (Jefferson)
Hooded Warbler (Bent)



Northern Parula (Baca, Prowers)


Black-throated Blue Warbler (Baca)****

Black-throated Gray Warbler (Bent, Jefferson)****


Palm Warbler (Baca, Bent, Denver, Jefferson, Weld, *Larimer)

Townsend's Warbler (Pueblo)

Black-throated Sparrow (Fremont)****

Fox Sparrow (Jefferson)****

White-throated Sparrow (Douglas/Jefferson)

Harris's Sparrow (Boulder, Fremont)****


Summer Tanager (El Paso, Baca)


Northern Cardinal (Jefferson)

Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Prowers, Grand, *Weld)****

Rusty Blackbird (Yuma)****


** **

On May 11, Walbek reports these birds from Two Buttes, seen May 10 and 11:
Cape May Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Northern Parula
Black-and-White Warbler
American Redstart
McGillivray's Warbler
Virginia's Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Palm Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Philadelphia Vireo
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Summer Tanager
Rufous-crowned Sparrow


--On May 7, Nelson reports a male Black-throated Gray Warbler in Ft. Lyon
State Wildlife Easement NW of Bent County Roads HH and 16 and a
Black-and-White Warbler at Van's Grove.

--On May 10, Mlodinow reports these birds from Bent County:

Blackburnian Warbler at Karney SWA north of John Martin Reservoir along
Fort Lyons Canal,

Black-and-white Warbler at Van's Grove,

Western Palm Warbler at John Martin Reservoir,

Black-and-white Warbler at Hasty Lake Campground,

Blackpoll Warbler in the town of McClave,

Yellow-throated Vireo along Bent County Road 34 about 1/2 mile north of CO

Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Bent County Roads 35 and PP,

Gray-cheeked Thrush, 2 Nashville Warblers, a Cassin's Vireo, Dusky
Flycatcher, and 2 Common Poorwill at Melody Tempel Grove.



--On May 8 Mlodinow reports these birds at Golden Ponds in Longmont:
Nashville and Black-and-white Warblers.

--On May 8, Dowell reports a singing Nashville Warbler from near the South
Mesa Trailhead.

--On May 8, Dowell reports a Northern Waterthrush at Golden Ponds in
--On May 7, Piombino reports 1 or 2 Harris's Sparrows at her feeder on St.
Vrain Road West of Hygiene.

--On May 9, Kingswood reports a Tennessee Warbler seen in mid-morning along
the White Cliffs Trail, near the bridge over Boulder Creek.

--On May 9, Miller reports a Northern Waterthrush at Twin Lakes, along the
ditch, east of the green pipe.
--On May 10, Chuck Hundertmark and Ted Floyd saw a Cassin's Vireo along
Boulder Creek, upstream a ways from the 75th Street Bridge.

--On May 9, Guarente reports a Gray Flycatcher, present for a few days near
an office building northwest of the intersection of Valmont and Foothills
Parkway. It continues on May 10 at the north end of Center Green Drive near
shipping containers..

--On May 12, Nunes reports a a singing male BLACK-THROATED GREEN WARBLER in
the Ponderosa Pines at the corner of Tandra & East Moorhead Circle. From
Table Mesa, turn south on Tantra, & go down the street until you reach the
forced right hand turn onto E Moorhead. The pine trees are on your right.


--On May 7, Witt reports a Palm Warbler (Western) just northwest of the
intersection of Little Raven Street and 18th Street.

--On May 11, Henwood reports a Bobolink in the SW corner of Marston


ON May 11, Kellner reports a White-throated Sparrow on the Chatfield spring

--On May 10, Brown reports ..."several thrushes of four species,
Swainson's, Hermit, a (first of season) VEERY, and a FOS GRAY-CHEEKED
THRUSH" at Chico Basin Ranch.  (fee area and worth it).

--On May 11, Pals reports these goodies among myriad species seen on the
Spring Count at Fountain Creek Park: Braod-winged Hawk, Gray-cheeked
Thrush, Blackpoll Warbler, Northern Waterthrush, Summer Tanager.

--On May 8, Luke reports that a Rose-breasted Grosbeak graced the feeder at
914 Eagle Street in Kremmling.

** **


--On May 8, Chavez and Hudak each reported a Blackpoll Warbler (seen again
on May 11) in Lakewood at Main Reservoir, at the corner of Kipling and
Florida. Chavez also saw a Black-throated Gray Warbler there on May 8,,

   and on May 9, a Virginia's Warbler with other migrants.

--On May 11, the Gray Flycatcher reported by Chavez on May 8, continues in
Belmar Park, near the pond near the parking lot.

--On May 10, Schottler discovered several birds in the Wheat Ridge Green
Belt - a singing male Northern Cardinal at the Tree Bridge Trail, which is
roughly 100 yards WSW of the footbridge over

  Clear Creek and near the wooden board walk. Also a Palm Warbler and a
Northern Waterthrush about 100 yards east of the footbridge over Clear

--On May 11, Henwood reports these birds at Bear Creek Lake Park: adult
male Blackpoll Warbler at the Boat Launch area, Eastern Phoebe near Soda

  Cassin's Vireo and Hammond Flycatcher in the Bear Creek Greenbelt along
Bear Creek east of the Stone House.

--On May 13, Henwood reports a Glossy Ibis at Bear Creek Lake Park, near
Pelican Point.

** **


--On May 6, Mammoser reports a Nashville Warbler along the paved Poudre
Trail that goes north from Prospect Road in Fort Collins.  The warbler was
at the extreme north end of the riparian area that is half way between
Prospect and Timberline.  It was re-found on May 7 & 8.**
--On May 10, Birek reports a Northern Waterthrush banded at the Museum of
Discovery in Fort Collins. A Solitary Sandpiper was nearby.
--On May 11, Walters reports a Tennessee Warbler in Loveland, along the Big
Thompson River Walk, just east of the dam on the Wilson Avenue end of the
--On May 12, Matthews reports an "Eastern" Palm Warbler at Lake Estes.


--On May 8 Tennery reports a Scarlet Tanager from his home in Valdez.

--On May 8 Crisler reports a female Townsend's Warbler along the riverwalk.

--On May 12, Komar

** **


--On May 9 at LCCW, Nelson reports an American Redstart, continuing
Northern Parula and Northern Waterthrush.

--On May 11, Komar reports:  2 SUMMER TANAGERS.  YELLOW-THROATED VIREO and

--On May 13, Komar reports these birds from Lamar: Nashville Warbler at the
cemetery south of LCCW and Worm-eating Warbler at the High School grove.


On May 8, Percival reports a female Townsend's Warbler and other newly
arriving migrants.

--On May 10 Komar saw a Northern Waterthrush and a Black-and-white Warbler
at Last Chance Oasis.
--On May 10 Tammy and Ira Sanders discovered a Scissor tailed Flycatcher
west of highway marker 133 on highway 36.  This is 3 miles west of Last
Chance rest area.

** **

--On May 8, Mlodinow reports a Black-bellied Plover and 2 Whimbrels at
Union Reservoir.
--On May 8, Lefko reports shorebirds at Crom Lake, including Semipalmated
Plover, Willet, and Marbled Godwit.
--On May 11, Roller reports a "Western" Palm Warbler and a Northern
Waterthrush from Crow Valley Campground.
--On May 11, 3 Black-bellied Plovers were seen at Lower Latham.
 --On May 11, several observers saw up to three Gray-cheeked Thrushes at
Crow Valley Campground.
--On May 12, Percival passed on a second-hand, (but detailed) account
of a *Cerulean
Warbler *seen at Crow Valley Campground seen on the evening of May 12.
--On May 13, several birders searched Crow Valley Campground, finding
several expected migrants, like Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, but did NOT find
the reported Cerulean Warbler.


*for the weekend of May 18, 19,*

*Please consult the DFO website: *
for information on the various counts and the leaders to call.

Please note that a number of minor and inconsequential errors were made in
the above note. See how many you can find! Major errors will be corrected
by tomorrow's report.

Good Birding,****

Joe Roller,


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