Compiler: Joyce Takamine
   Date: February 25, 2012
   e-mail: rba AT
   phone: 303-659-8750

   This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Satuday, February 25, 2012,
   sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird
   Observatory. If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording
   pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your
   phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each

   It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

   Highlight species include: (* denotes that there is new information on
   species in this report)

   Red-necked Grebe (Boulder)
   TUNDRA SWAN (Boulder)
   Barrow's Goldeneye (Delta, Mesa, *Summit)
   Long-tailed Duck (Larimer, Mesa)
   Thayer's Gull (Boulder, Broomfield)
   Lesser Black-backed Gull (Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Larimer,
    Glaucous Gull (Boulder)
   White-winged Dove (La Plata)
   SNOWY OWL (Adams)
   Red-bellied Woodpecker (Weld)
   American Three-toed Woodpecker (Jackson)
   Black Phoebe (Fremont, Pueblo)
   Winter Wren (Pueblo)
   VARIED THRUSH (La Plata, *Larimer)
   White-throated Sparrow (Jackson, Pueblo)
   Harris's Sparrow (Jefferson)
   GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW (*Jefferson, Boulder)
   Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch (Jackson,*Jefferson)
   Black Rosy-Finch (*Jefferson)
   Brown-capped Rosy-Finch (*Jefferson, Summit)
   Common Redpoll (Larimer)

   Please note, detailed directions to most of the following locations can
   found on the Colorado County Birding Website:

   Adams County:
   --One SNOWY OWL was reported by Combs on February 12, west of Harvest
   and north of 138th.  The dark SNOWY OWL was reported by Plooster on
   February 14 between 138th and 144th, left of power pole #30. On February
   20, Faulkner reported the immature SNOWY OWL was seen on 138th about .25
   mile west of Harvest.  On February 21, Niyo reported the immature SNOWY OWL
   in the same vicinity as it was on February 20.   Directions:  Take Bromley
   Lane (152nd) east from I-76 and go 2 miles past Piccadilly to Harvest Road.
    Turn right and go south to 138th.

   Arapahoe Country:
   --An ad Lesser Black-backed Gull was reported by Hudak at Centennial
   Park on February 9 and refound on February 15 by Hudak.

   Boulder County:
   --A GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW continues at the North Teller Farm Trailhead
   Valmont Rd through February 15 as reported by Nunes.
   --An ad TUNDRA SWAN was reported by Nunes at Cottowood Marsh on February
   15.  Floyd reported that the TUNDRA SWAN continues at Cottonwood Marsh
   through February 21.
   --At Erie Reservoir on February 16, Mlodinow reported: 2 Glaucous Gulls
   (1-st cyc, 2-nd cyc), 8 Thayer's Gulls, and 3 Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
    On February 19 at Erie Reservoir, Floyd reported 1  1-st cyc Thayer's Gull
   and 1 3rd-cyc Lesser Black-backed Gull.
   --An adult basic plumage Red-necked Grebe was found at Valmont on
   February 4 by the joint club field trip and was reported by Plage on
   February 18.
   --At Prince Lake #1  on February 19, Floyd reported 2 Lesser
   Black-backed Gulls (1 ad, 1 3rd-cyc), and 1 1-st cyc Thayer's Gull.

   Broomfield County:
   --At the Parkside Center Pond in Broomfield on February 20, Schmoker
   reported 3 Thayer's Gulls (2 1-st cyc, 1 ad), 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls
   (1 ad, 1 3-rd cyc) and 2 hybrids 1-st cyc Herring X Glaucous and 2-nd cyc
   Herring X Glaucous-winged.

   Delta County:
   --A flock of Barrow's Goldeneyes was reported by Robinsong at the bend
   of the Gunnison River between the Boat Ramp of Confluence Park and the Hwy
   50 Bridge on February 20.   On February 22, Beason reported 7 Barrow's
   Goldeneyes on the Gunnison River near the Boat Launch of Confluence Park.

   Fremont County:
   --A Black Phoebe was reported by Moss at Florence River Park on February

   Jackson County:
   --On February 1 Craig Dodson reports 2 tan morph White-throated Sparrows
   Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches at the Moose Visitor Center on the west side of
   Cameron Pass.  On February 17, Leatherman reported 1 White-throated
   Sparrow, 250 - 300 Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches including Hepburns and heard
   an American Three-toed Woodpecker drumming.

   Jefferson County:
   --The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW at the Red Rocks Trading Post feeders
   continues to be seen thru February 24 as reported by Hudak.
   --On February 24, Hudak reported that all 3 species of Rosy-Finches were
   seen at the Red Rocks Trading Post feeders.  There were 52 birds.
   --On February 21, Henwood found the 2 Harris's Sparrows (1ad, 1 1-st yr)
   near the Boat Launch Area at Bear Creek Lake Park.

   La Plata County:
   --A VARIED THRUSH was reported by Shoffner by the DOW office in Durango
   on February 19.
   --White-winged Doves were reported by Shoffner at the north end of W 4th
   Ave, Durango on February 19.

    Larimer County:
   --At Grandview Cemetery in Fort Collins, Mammoser reported the
   YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER on February 16.  It was near the golf course.
   --A VARIED THRUSH has been visiting the yard of Steve Martin in
   Wellington on February 11 and 12.   The VARIED THRUSH returned on this
   week.  Steve will be home on Sunday.  Please contact Steve at falconridge
   AT for more information.
   --A pair of Long-tailed Duck was reported by Birek at Hamilton Reservoir
   on February 19.  They were east of the smokestack when viewed from the
   observation area on the south shore.
   --10 Common Redpolls were reported by Mary Ellen Moore in Estes Park
   along Broad View Road which is the first gravel road after crossing the
   bridge going south on Mary's Lake Road from the intersection of Hwy 36.
   --2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were reported by Mlodinow at Lake Loveland
   on February 19.

   Mesa County:
   --A f Long-tailed Duck was reported by Arnold upstream on the Colorado
   River from Ela Sanctuary in Grand Junction on February 14.  Also in the
   area were 2 Barrow's Goldeneyes.  They were easily viewed from Hunter's

   Morgan County:
   --A m AMERICAN BLACK DUCK, 2-nd cyc ICELAND GULL, and 1 Lesser
   Black-backed Gull were reported by Mlodinow at Jackson Reservoir on
   February 19.

   Pueblo County:
   --On February 20, Percival reported 1 Black Phoebe and 2 White-throated
   Sparrows west of the Pueblo Nature Center and 1 Winter Wren and 1 Black
   Phoebe east of the nature center.

   Summit County:
   --6 Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Blackburn at the Silverthorne
   Water Treatment Facility on February 12.  On February 24, Kibbe reported 10
   Barrow's Goldeneyes at the Silverthorne Water Treatment Facility.
   --All three species of Rosy-Finches were reported by Kibbe on Elk
   Thistle Drive on February 24.

   Weld County:
   --A Red-bellied Woodpecker was reported by Bol at Crow Valley Campground
   on February 19.

   Upcoming DFO fieldtrips:

   The DFO field trip for Saturday, February 25 will be to South Platte
   Park led by Richard Anderson (303-757-4582).  Meet the leader at 0800 at
   the South Platte Park's Carson Nature Center, north of Mineral Ave, 1 block
   west of S Santa Fe Drive.  This trip will end by noon so lunch is optional
   but do bring drinking water.  Will Bird South Platte Park, McClellan
   Reservoir and other places of interest in the surrounding area.

   The DFO field trip for Sunday, February 26 will be to Castlewood Canyon
   State Park led by Laurie Duke (303-646-4699).  Meet the leader at 0800
   at the north entrace to the park in the Homestead Parking Lot.  This will
   be a half day trip. lunch optional but do bring snacks and drinking wter.
    The trip will involve hiking over trails but the leader will try to avoid
   icy areas so wear good hiking shoes.

   The next meeting of Denver Field Ornithologists will be on Monday,
   February 27 at 7:30 pm in Ricketson Auditorium of the Denver Museum of
   Nature and Science.  Ted Floyd will give a tutorial on ebird.

   Good Birding,

   Joyce Takamine

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