
Yes, this bird DOES respond to tapes.  I was on an Elderhostel trip in
northern Minn. about 10 years ago.  There was a  Conn. warbler singing in a
bog and we were about 70 yds. away on a boardwalk.  The leader played a
tape.  The bird stopped singing.  We heard or saw nothing for several
minutes.  Then, I looked down and the warbler was right at our feet looking
up at all 26 of us!  I managed to point at it so that a couple of other
people saw it before it disappeared into the cattails not to be seen again.

They do respond, but they do it by walking through the vegetation.  Once
they realize what is responsible for the song, they leave.  While doing a
study as a volunteer for Cornell on thrushes, those of us participating had
the same experience with the Hermit Thrush.  People e-mailed to Cornell
saying "the Hermit Thrush doesn't respond to tapes".  I found by hiding in
the bushes while playing the tape that the thrush WALKED up to me while I
was playing the tape (in this case, he walked up to my boot!), looked, and
then flew away (probably in disgust!).

I was at Cottonwood Marsh between 12:15 and 1:30 pm yesterday and did not
see the possible Conn. Warbler; however, there were lots of other birds in
the area (many Yellow Warblers, a Yellowthroat, a singing Marsh Wren partly
under the board walk, a male Western Tanager, at least three Bullock's
Orioles, etc.).

Paula Hansley

P.S. I do not own an IPod and went out yesterday without my CD player;
otherwise, I would have played its song!)

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