My friend Steve Kingswood and Steve's third grade daughter Ruthi birded Crow
Valley today from 7:30 AM and found in addition to what has already been
reported for May 31 a Nashville Warbler and a nice male MacGillivray's
Warbler. Steve saw his first Colorado Ovenbird. We did not see these
warblers until we walked the trail along the fence *eastward* from behind
the picnic area. Also an immature Broad-winged Hawk soaring over the prairie
at the north end of the campground.

We found almost as many species at Norma's Grove (just east of the
intersection of county roads 57 and 100) including nice looks at a Northern
Waterthrush and a male Chestnut-sided Warbler. The biggest surprise was a
male Orchard Oriole on a barbed wire fence at the 57/100 corner. We counted
ourselves lucky to see a Red-headed Woodpecker on the north end of Crow
Valley Campground but ended up with a total of* four* for the day, all in
different locations (Norma's Grove, 57 and 104, and on the west side of CR
77 just north of the ranger (?) station. Birders spotted (almost as
interesting as birds) included Dave Leatherman ten feet from a dozing Common
Nighthawk and Warren Finch (very glad to see him out and about). Who is this
Norma? I want to thank her personally!

Does it seem to you that there have been an unusual number of "eastern
warblers" this year on the Rare Bird Alert? It might be a good project for
someone to come up with a total tally. I don't recall so many Bay-breasteds
in the six years I have been checking CoBirds.

Bob Shade (Lakewood)

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