This morning I observed two adult Eastern Phoebes on the south side of Pelican Point in Bear Creek Lake Park (BCLP). I had good looks at the two birds(there may have been a 3rd), before they flew further to the south of the lake. I was able to observe their tail-wagging behavior as they perched on various limbs. I did not see any yellow on the belly, and the primary projection appeared on the long side to me. This is only the 2nd Eastern Phoebe sighting for me in BCLP in the past 5 years or so.

In addition to the large numbers of Western Wood-Pewee, I also found one adult Olive-sided Flycatcher in the trees along the lake. Other migrants seen in the last two mornings include: large numbers of swallows, mostly Barn and VG, but a few Tree and Northern Rough-winged.
        good numbers of House Wrens and Blue-gray Gnatcatchers.
        a few Wilson's and Yellow Warblers each day.
a good representation of sparrows - Chipping, Clay-colored (1), Brewer's, Vesper, Lark, Song, and possibly one Lincoln's???

Probably the best strategy is to drive to Pelican Point and then walk the trails next to the lake in and around Pelican Point. Also the brush between the Fitness Station #1 and the NE corner of the parking lot is usually good for sparrows & other migrants as well.

Mike Henwood
Jefferson County

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