It's always a good thing when you can find other people that have the same
desire to be out birding all day.
We recently had a new employee arrive at our office.
Just prior to Dr. R.M.'s arrival at our worksite, she had watched "The Big
This movie, along with findout out that I enjoy birding, sparked an
interest in her to begin this incredible hobby.
Two days after our meeting, she was hooked.
She purchased a home in Falcon, Colorado, and began the search for birds.
She found a pond on Stapleton Drive, just east of Meridian. (Stapleton
Drive and Lambert Road intersection)
She managed to get almost a dozen species identified from this pond in just
a few days.
>From her tips on this pond, my wife and I decided to visit it on Wednseday
(28 Aug 2012).
We arrived at approx 6:45pm, so the sunlight was pretty bad.
Right away I could see a good amount of activity.
Mallards everywhere.
Wilson's Phalaropes doing their Crazy Ivan dances around the Mallards.
Killdeer - dozens
Sandpipers - pretty sure Solitary and others that I couldn't identify.

Then, in the NW corner of the pond, I spotted a group of interesting birds.
Long dark bill.  Brown. Stripes down the back.
I believe they are my 285th life bird - Wilson's Snipe!
Or, if my eyesight is getting bad, they could be Short Billed Dowitchers.
I"m going with Wilson's Snipe.
(Would appreciate any feedback from other birders about my identity and
tell me what all the types of Sandpipers were at that location)

Good birding!

Aaron Driscoll
Colorado Springs

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