I birded Florence River Park yesterday morning and this afternoon.  It is
still 'the hotspot' for bird activity in eastern Fremont County (except
Williamson's Sapsucker, will post on that tomorrow).  I have talked with
Rich Miller and he has had the same experience as I have in the past week
and a half--few to no birds at the Canon City Riverwalk and other areas
while Florence River Park has had lots of migratory action.  Clearly all
that leafminor infestation has made Florence River Park the fast food
headquarters for many migrating birds, especially warblers.  I haven't seen
anymore of the tiny moths that emerge from these leaf nurseries for about 5
days but I suspect that some of the other insects that fed on them may
still be around to be bird food themselves

Yesterday morning the Yellow-rumps were there in good numbers, at least
30-40, likely brought in by the cold front the night before--and very
hungry, they were in a feeding frenzy in the cottonwoods where all the
leafminor infestation had occurred.  The numbers of Yellow-rumps was still
pretty good today though they were spending more time in the willows and
cattails of the marshy areas.  Also today I found at least a dozen Wilson's
Warblers and about a half dozen Orange-crowned--almost all were low in the

Yesterday I spotted a Brown Thrasher, the first I have seen of this species
in Florence River Park and a very uncommon bird in Fremont County.  I had a
possible Brown Thrasher in Holcim Wetland a few years ago.

I also had a Sora Rail this week, getting a little late for them in this
area.  And today I had a latish Swainson's Thrush in Florence River Park

I had a small flock of about a dozen White-throated Swifts fly over and
feed for awhile east of Canon City today. Also today I heard Sandhill
Cranes overhead both in Florence and in Canon City but we had low clouds so
I didn't see any.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City
Blogging for Birds and Blooms magazine @
Personal blog @ BirdsAndNature.blogspot.com<http://birdsandnature.blogspot.com/>

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