Greetings All

This morning the Yellow-crowned Night Heron seemed in absentia, until it left 
its nest to gather some sticks in the trees east of the pond. It then returned 
to its nest, which is the upper most nest on the right as you face the island 
from the north. The bird is quite difficult to see, by and large, whilst on its 

Walking down the nature trail to the west we had a YB CUCKOO and a 
mountain-form Downy Woodpecker (male) apparently mated with a typical eastern 
(Plains) form female Downy Woodpecker.

We departed to the NE to check out a pond just e. of where 263 turns north. 
Just west of where 263 turns north, there was a flooded field with 77 WF Ibis 
(mostly 1st year birds) and one adult GLOSSY IBIS.

We then went to Crow Valley, which given the date and time of day was 
expectedly slow, though a singing Plumbeous Vireo provided a nice late date.

Norma's Grove had a singing eastern Warbling Vireo

Windsor Lake had a female Common Merg with two fabulously cute puffball young. 
No BL Kittiwakes, alas, but lotsa Western and Clark's Grebes allowing close 

Fossil Creek Reservoir was once again a blast, with main highlights being a 
SNOW GOOSE (imm) at "Swede Lake" (the portion closest to 1-25) and an imm male 
ORCHARD ORIOLE singing just w. of the main observation platform.

Best Wishes and Good Cheer
Steven Mlodinow (and Tracy Clark)
Longmont CO


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