Hello, Birders.

First things first. There's a fine Swainson's Thrush flight over Lafayette, 
Boulder County, right now, in the 3am hour on Thursday, May 26th. I can hear 
them through the office window. When I stepped outside earlier, I heard ~20 
Swainson's Thrush flight calls in just 6 or 7 minutes. (I note that conditions 
are perfect right now for such a flight, with light southerly winds; plus, it's 
overcast right now, having been clear yesterday evening.)

Meanwhile, Hannah and Andrew and I saw a Gray Flycatcher yesterday evening, 
Wednesday, May 25th, at Walden Ponds (technically, Sawhill Ponds), Boulder 
County. Here's a map, with the blue-shaded polygon showing the area in which 
the bird was present: http://tinyurl.com/3szwllr. The Gray Flycatcher was 
working the Russian olives, and it tended to stay pretty close to the ground. 
Other birds for us at Walden/Sawhill included: Clay-colored, Brewer's, and 
Lincoln's sparrows; Great-tailed Grackle; Eastern Kingbird; Snowy Egret; 
Willet; Osprey; a few Western Wood-Pewees; several fly-over flocks of eyebye; 
and the Marsh Wren chorus. Of possible interest was a Blue-winged Teal with 
chicks; the date seems a bit early, given that Blue-winged Teal is one of the 
last duck species to arrive in the spring in Colorado.


Ted Floyd 
Editor, Birding 

Blog: http://tinyurl.com/4n6qswt 

Twitter: http://tinyurl.com/2ejzlzv 

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