I stopped at Lamar Woods this morning before leaving to return home but the
winds were strong and gusty and if anything was singing they would need a
megaphone to be heard.  The only migrating birds I saw in a quick look were
many Swainson Thrushes.

I also stopped by Temple Grove at the Ft Lyon Canal north of Lamar and the
migrant machine was still spitting them out there .  Now the winds were
really bad but this not terribly wide grove of trees and shrubs made a very
good shelter belt that allowed birds to forage in the more protected areas
and closer to the ground.  I refound the Hooded Warbler that I expect is the
same one that Thomas Heinrich found on Monday.  It sang some off and on
though much less than the other day.  It also foraged on or close to the
ground instead of in the limbs of trees that were blowing about in the gusty
winds.  A Northern Waterthrush was walking on the canal road foraging on
insects that were likely knocked off tree branches above (the canal was too
full to forage there).  I found a McGillivray's Warbler and a Ruby-crowned
Kinglet.  Several wood-pewees managed to sally about though they stayed out
of the higher areas where the winds were worse.  I also saw a Yellow-rumped,
a Wilson's and a few Yellow Warblers.  Mimids were very obvious with several
Gray Catbirds, one Northern Mockingbird joined by 2 Brown Thrashers.  And I
was amazed that there were even more Swainson Thrushes than before--I
counted over 50 in the hundred yards along the canal east of the county
road.  I have uploaded photos of the Northern Waterthrush and McGillivray's
Warbler onto my Birds And Nature <http://BirdsAndNature.blogspot.com> blog
(but it was overcast and dark so pics suffered)

I also found a Long-billed Curlew foraging in a dryland wheat field of all
things and it was successful in getting some large looking prey.  Photos of
it flying are also posted on my blog.  It's awful late so will post other
birds I saw tomorrow.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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