Claire Montour and I were at the South Platte reservoir today and saw what we 
believe to be a female horned grebe. According My books this seems unlikely, 
but she seemed to have the correct characteristics. I got a completely terrible 
picture of her, but you can see some of the characteristics
      There was also a nice variety of diving ducks, redheads and ruddy ducks 
there at the reservoir today.
       We had some great looks at a bald eagle overhead and a 50 piece murder 
of crows doing courtship behavior. The were near eagle watch lake, southern 
area of South Platte park. There were also lots of shoveling shovelers there. 
     I had a wonderful time photographing three pairs of redheads on my pond 
today just north of South Platte Park. It was such a joy to look out and have 
them, as well as a pair common mergansers, spending time on  the pond.
     Deb Carstensen, Littleton, Arapahoe County.
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