Very birdy yesterday in the couple areas I observed in Lamar.

Willow Valley Subdivision private yard east of Willow Creek Park
*Blue-headed Vireo (photos)  finding Rough Stinkbugs on dead limbs of Siberian 
Elm, photos, new for Janeal's yard list.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (estimate 15, could have been more) feasting on hackberry 
psyllids in Northern Hackberry and on the bark of a nearby Siberian Elm
Gray Catbird (1)
Sandhill Crane (few heard at 8:15am, none the rest of the day)
Spotted Towhee (1m in juniper)
Common Nighthawk (at least 75 filtering south, some at very high altitude, at 
Chimney Swift (at least 8 migrants seen low thru the trees at dusk)

Riverside Cemetery off Maple Street in northeast part of Lamar
Much action in the tangle of growth that grew along the ditch along the north 
edge of the cemetery, along the east side, and going out to the north from the 
northwest corner, and along the north edge of the alfalfa field north of the 
cemetery.  The dominant plant is Giant Ragweed.  Also lots of action in 
hackberry due to ongoing gall psyllid emergence/overwintering dispersal.

*Swamp Sparrow (1 hatch-year)  northeast corner along ditch, photos
*Nashville Warbler (2) north side along ditch in poplar and ragweed, photos of 
*Field Sparrow (at least 3) along north edge of alfalfa field, and in northwest 
corner of cemetery along ditch in ragweed/small elms, photos
Blue Grosbeak (1f/i) getting late
Orange-crowned Warbler (25+) mostly in ragweed, not sure what they are getting 
insectwise (examination showed no aphids or other small morsels)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet/Yellow-rumped Warbler (many in hackberry)

Checked several places today (10/10), not nearly as birdy.

Riverside Cemetery 
*Field Sparrow (2)
Common Yellowthroat (1f)
Nashville Warbler (1)
Common Poorwill (1) photos

Thurston Reservoir north of town (Prowers)
American Coot (thousands)
*Field Sparrow (1) right at the south side boat ramp, photos
Northern Mockingbird (will overwinter?)
Black-crowned Night-Heron (1i)

Upper Queens Reservoir (Kiowa County)
Lesser Yellowlegs
American Coot (thousands)
Herring Gull (2 first-cycle)
Osprey (1) eating large Black Bullhead (catfish)

Tempel's Grove (Bent County)
Swainson's Thrush (1)
Eastern Phoebe (1)
Otherwise VERY quiet (and almost 90 degrees!)

An INCREDIBLE number of Monarchs passing through.  The alfalfa fields are 
aflutter with sulfurs.  Supposed to be 90 tomorrow, cooler on Monday, back hot 
after that.  No rain in forecast.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins


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