Today Jeanne and I took a ride out to Lincoln County. We birded south of CO Hwy 
94 starting on Cty Rd 11 working our way south to Brett Gray Ranch. We had 
never been there before, but after asking permission to bird there, we were 
quite impressed. 


Chestnut-collared Longspur 

Eastern Phoebe 

Townsend's Solitaire - at least 5 

B&W Warbler 

Yellow-headed Blackbirds - over 50 

We went to  Karval Lake SRA next and ate our lunch on the high overlook above 
the lake. (Housekeeping note: the restroom up there is quite acceptable.) Not 
too much was happening there except along the shore where shorebirds were 
plentiful. Killdeer, Greater and Lesser Yellowlegs, Western SP, Least SP, and a 
possible Stilt SP. There was a immature Northern Mockingbird and a few Chipping 
and Lark Sparrows. 

Good birding, all! 

Mel and Jeanne Goff 

Colorado Springs 

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