This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 5 am 
sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird 

Highlight species include (*Denotes that there is new information for this 
species in this report)

Barrow's Goldeneye (Eagle)
Little Blue Heron (Boulder)
Green Heron (*Boulder, Custer)
GLOSSY IBIS (Kiowa, LaPlata)
Broad-winged Hawk (Boulder, *El Paso, Weld)
Black-bellied Plover (Boulder, Pueblo, Routt)
Piping Plover (Morgan)
White-winged Dove (*Boulder)
Black Phoebe (Boulder)
Great-crested Flycatcher (Prowers)
White-eyed Vireo (*Fremont)
Purple Martin (Rio Blanco)
Carolina Wren (Boulder, Prowers)
WOOD THRUSH (Bent, Prowers)
Tennessee Warbler (El Paso, Phillips, Otero, *Washington)
Northern Parula (*Pueblo)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Prowers)
Magnolia Warbler (Otero, Prowers)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (*El Paso, Moffat)
Black-throated Green Warbler (Larimer, Phillips)
Palm Warbler (Bent, Jefferson)
Blackpoll Warbler (Bent, El Paso/Pueblo, Logan, Phillips, *Prowers, *Washington)
Black-and-white Warbler (Phillips)
Worm-eating Warbler (Pueblo)
Ovenbird (*El Paso)
Northern Waterthrush (*Boulder, *El Paso, Jefferson, Moffat, Phillips, Prowers, 
*Pueblo, *Washington)
Hooded Warbler ( Phillips, Prowers)
White-throated Sparrow (*El Paso)
Harris's Sparrow (*El Paso, *Mesa)
Northern Cardinal (Logan, Prowers)
Indigo Bunting (Boulder, Prowers)

To skip this recording to leave a message, press the star key at any time.  
Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions including the county 
and dates for all sightings.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last 
Bent County:
--On May 9 at Tempel Grove, Peterson reported m Blackpoll Warbler and Palm 
--On May 9 at Tempel Grove, Tina Jones reported a probable GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH 
and a probable WOOD THRUSH.
Boulder County:
--At Twin Lakes in Gunbarrel on May 9, Szeliga reported Black Phoebe, singing 
White-throated Sparrow, and male Indigo Bunting.
--A singing Carolina Wren was reported by Floyd on Bear Creek in Boulder on May 
9.  Park at St Andrew Presbyterian Church on Baseline and walk the trail 
upstream.  The wren was seen again on May 10 by Lamoureux.
--A Broad-winged Hawk was reported by Floyd at Sale Lake on May 9.
--A Little Blue Heron was reported by Guthrie on May 9 in the Walden Ponds and 
it flew to the private pond behind the water treatment plant.  Guthrie
also saw a Little Blue Heron on the Sawhill side on May 3.
--A Green Heron was reported at Walden Ponds on May 10 by Kemena.
--A White-winged Dove was reported by Szeliga on the Twin Lakes Trail in
the Gunbarrel area on May 10.  A White-winged Dove was reported by Szeliga on a 
traffic light at the intersection of Lookout Road and Spine Road in the 
Gunbarrel area on May 12.
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Klaver in Twin Lakes, Gunbarrel on May 
11.  Szeliga refound the waterthrush on May 12.
Cheyenne County:
--An EASTERN MEADOWLARK was reported by Peterson about 5 miles north of Hwy 40 
on CR 25 on May 9.
Custer County:
--On May 11 at DeWeese Reservoir, Rich Miller reported a KENTUCY WARBLER in a 
willow thicket at the base of the dam and a Green Heron.
Delta County:
--A possible PURPLE FINCH was reported by Beason at Bethlehem Cemetery in 
Paonia on May 10.
Eagle County:
--52 Barrow's Goldeneyes were reported by Filby at Spring Park Reservoir on May 
6.  Filby reported 13 Barrow's Goldeneyes on May 11.  The reservoir has NO 
public access and is viewable distantly from the road.
El Paso County:
--At Sondermann Park in Colorado Springs on May 11, Burns reported a Northern 
Parula and Tennessee Warbler on the Westfork Trail and a Broad-winged Hawk 
El Paso/Pueblo Counties:
At Chico Basin Ranch (Fee):
--On May 9, Shipe found a Worm-eating Warbler in the tall cottonwood above the 
willows at Headquarters.
--On May 9, Percival reported Black-bellied Plover at HQ Pond and a singing 
male Northern Paula at the Banding Station.
--On May 11 at Headquarters, Drummond found 2 Blackpoll Warblers and a Northern 
Waterthrush and a Black-bellied Plover
--On May 11, Percival and Maynard saw a Northern Parula at Rose Pond and
a Blackpoll Warbler at the Casita.
--On May 10, Gibbons found a Black-throated Gray Warbler on the El Paso side.
--On May 11, Gibbons banded an Ovenbird and saw an imm Broad-winged Hawk near 
--On May 12, Percival reported a Northern Parula at Rose Pond, 4 Northern 
Waterthrush (2 Rose, 2 headquarters) on the Pueblo side and 1 Broad-winged 
Hawk, an ad Harris's Sparrow, 1 Northern Waterthrush, 1 Ovenbird, 1 
Black-throated Gray Warbler, and 2 White-throated Sparrows on the El Paso side. 
 Gibbons banded Black-throated Gray Warbler, Northern Waterthrush, and 1 
White-throated Sparrow on May 12.
Fremont County:
--A YELLOW-THROATED WARBLER was reported by Moss on the Canon City Riverwalk on 
May 11.
--A White-eyed Vireo was reported by Moss on the Bluff Trail portion of the 
Canon City Riverwalk on May 12.
Jefferson County:
--A Northern Waterthrush was banded by McBurney at Chatfield on May 9.
--A western Palm Warbler was reported by Hagar at the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt 
between West Lake and Tabor Lake on May 9.
--A Black-throated Gray Warbler was banded by McBurney at Chatfield on May 10.
--The GOLDEN-CROWNED SPARROW was reported by Rhodes at Red Rocks on May 9.
Kiowa County:
--A GLOSSY IBIS was reported by Hatch at Neegronda Reservoir on May 9.
LaPlata County:
--A GLOSSY IBIS was reported by Allerton at Pastorius Reservoir on May 10.
Larimer County:
--On May 10, Leatherman reported a singing Black-throated Green Warbler at 
Grandview in the SE corner, section 9.  Wild refound the warbler on May 11.

Logan County:
--On May 9, Fisher reported Northern Cardinal at TamarackRanch SWA.
--A m Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Leatherman at Riverside Cemetery in 
Sterling on May 11.
Mesa County:
--A Harris's Sparrow was reported by Trappet on Bookclilff in the 3000 block
in Grand Junction on May 12.  It was in piles of brush on the side of the 

Moffat County:
--On May 11 at Loudy-Simpson Park in Craig, Luke reported a Northern 
Waterthrush and a Black-throated Gray Warbler.

Morgan County:
--A Piping Plover was reported by Kibbe at Jumbo Reservoir east of the dam on 
May 8.
Otero County:
--At Fairview Cemetery in La Junta on May 9, Hansley reported a Magnolia 
Warbler and a singing Tennessee Warbler.
Phillips County:
--On May 11 in Holyoke, Roller reported 5 Blackpoll Warbler, 2 Northern 
Waterthrush, a f Tennessee Warbler at City Park, a f Hooded Warbler at the 
cemetery, and a f Black-throated Green Warbler on the street on the west side 
of the library.
--A m Black-and-white Warbler was reported by Roller in Haxton on Iris Ave at 
Idalia on May 11.
Prowers County:
--At Lamar Community College Woods: 
----On May 9, Peterson reported a m Hooded Warbler, m Chestnut-sided Warbler, 
and Northern Cardinal.
----On May 9, Hansley heard WOOD THRUSH and Carolina Wren in the north end;  
Jones reported they saw Northern Waterthrush and heard Northern Cardinal; 
Hansley saw a Great-crested Flycatcher.
----On May 11, Duane Nelson reported a f SCARLET TANAGER in the middle section 
and a male Northern Cardinal on the north end.
--At Fairmount Cemetery on May 7, Dunning reported Blackpoll Warbler and Indigo 
Buntings.  3 Blackpoll Warblers were reported by Peterson at Fairmount Cemetery 
on May 8.  A male Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Peterson on May 9.
--A Magnolia Warbler was found by Peterson & Wild at the Lamar High School 
Woods on May 8.
--A Blackpoll Warbler was reported by Paulsen in her yard on May 12.  Her
yard is at the corner of CR 7 & SS, 1 mile south of Thurston Lake.
Rio Blanco County:
--2 Purple Martins were reported by Luke on a power line across from Watt's 
Market in Meeker on May 10.

Routt County:
--3 Black-bellied Plovers in breeding plumage were reported by Dodson at the 
new wetlands at Yampa River SWA west of Hayden on May 1.  Dodson reported 2 
Black-bellied Plover on May 10.
Washington County:
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Mark Miller at Last Chance on May 9.
--On May 12 at Last Chance, Chavez reported 2 Tennesssee Warblers and a 
Northern Waterthrush and Erthal had a Blackpoll Warbler.
Weld County:
--6 Broad-winged Hawks were reported by Pauli S at Highland Lake in Mead on May 
The DFO Field Trip for Friday, May 14 to Sunday May 16 will be to Bonnie State 
Park led by Bob Righter (303-692-8529).  Meet leader at Foster's Campground at 
1700, Friday night.  Will bird around Foster's CG Friday night.  You can camp 
there or stay in a motel in Idalia or Burlington.  Bring all your meals.  Trip 
will end a noon on Sunday.  State Parks Pass required.
The DFO Field Trip for Saturday, May 15 will be to the Wheat Ridge Green Belt 
led by Jackie King (303-287-1644).  Meet at 0730 at Prospect Park Lake near the 
permanent restrooms south of West 44th Ave just east of Robb St.  Call leader 
if going.

Good Birding, 
Joyce Takamine
Boulder, Co


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