
Diane Carter and I went to this area hoping for a warbler-fall out after the
NW winds of yesterday.  It was quite cold, even at 8 am, and nothing was
moving or chipping except for Wilson's Warblers, which seemed to be
everywhere.  Finally, other species emerged and a partial list is below:

Black-crowned Night-heron (flying over lake at Greenlee Preserve)
Barn Swallows (many)
Western (assumed) Wood-Pewee
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Catbird  (heard)
Orange-crowned Warbler  - at least two
Townsend's Warbler (female)
Wilson's Warbler - at least a dozen; maybe two dozen
Oporonis(?) Warbler sp.  (heard chips near entrance to Greenlee Preserve)
Unidentified sparrows (Brewer's?) east of Wanaka Lake in field

As we were walking from Greenlee Preserve on the path around the northern
side of Wanaka Lake, we could here other warbler chips (Not Wilson's)  in
the thick vegetation next to Wanaka Lake, but we did not have time to look
for them.

Paula Hansley

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