Hi all,

My brother and I spent the last few days birding the mountains and found a 
few interesting species. Below is a summary (albeit rather lengthy) of the 

Lake County

Crystal Lake: Full of waterfowl including good numbers of Lesser Scaup and 
a Western Grebe that tripped the filter. In the surrounding sagebrush flats 
we also found an early Sage Thrasher and several Vesper Sparrow.

Twin Lakes: Mostly iced over. The sliver of open water had a large flock of 
Western Grebe (114). Also present was a rare (for Lake Co.) Canvasback. 

Chaffee County

Clear Creek Reservoir: Frozen except for the far western side where 
waterfowl were congregating, including a stunning male Wood Duck. The major 
highlights were a male Mallard x Mexican Duck and a pair of Red-breasted 

Field along CR 160: 11 continuing Long-billed Curlew. 

Sands Lake SWA: A stroll around the pond yielded an assortment of ducks, a 
Savannah Sparrow (perhaps a tad early for the mountains), and a flock of 
Tree and VG Swallows.

Gunnison County

McCabe Lane Wetlands: The highlight was an adult Black-crowned Night Heron 
that flushed from the edge of one of the ponds. Also of note was a Merlin 
near the parking lot.

Blue Mesa Reservoir: We birded the far eastern corner of the reservoir 
which required a ½ mile slog across the exposed lakebed to get to the 
water’s edge. There were good numbers of Franklin’s, Ring-billed, and 
California Gulls, a smattering of ducks including another Mallard x Mexican 
Duck, and eight Bald Eagles. Also noteworthy was a flock of eight Western 
Sandpipers and six Least Sandpipers. 

Saguache County

Saguache (town): The eastern corner of the town had lots of activity 
including an Evening Grosbeak, several Lincoln’s Sparrow, and a rare Blue 
Jay. The most unusual bird was the San Luis Valley’s first eBird record of 
an Eastern Phoebe at the intersection of Christy Ave and 11th St. 

Rio Grande County

Home Lake SWA: As John Rawinski mentioned in an earlier post, Home Lake is 
being dredged which is resulting in fantastic but ephemeral shorebird 
habitat. Of note was a Western Sandpiper, two Long-billed Dowitcher, 47 
American Avocet, 13 Greater Yellowlegs, and 24 Lesser Yellowlegs. 

Monte Vista NWR: A large Tree Swallow flock had an early Northern 
Rough-winged Swallow and Bank Swallow. Also of interest was a flock of 
lingering Cackling Geese.

Alamosa County

Wetlands along Riverwood Dr: We noticed this place on Google Maps and 
thought it’d be worth a check. It did not disappoint! A Black-necked Stilt 
and several Long-billed Dowitchers were on the W side of the road while a 
Great-tailed Grackle serenaded us from nearby.

San Luis Lakes SWA: The expansive mudflats held a Black-necked Stilt, three 
Baird’s Sandpiper, three Western Sandpipers, a Least Sandpiper, and many 
avocets. Also of note were two Bonaparte’s Gulls.

Park County

Antero Reservoir: Mostly frozen except for the far SE corner. In this 
pocket of open water were many ducks, most noteworthy of which was a male 
Mexican Duck. Also in the area were 13 American Avocets, two Greater 
Yellowlegs, and a pair of Wood Ducks. The grasslands nearby had an early 
(for Park Co.) Lincoln’s Sparrow. 

Overall it was a fantastic trip! Nice to see some migrants beginning to 
trickle through the mountains. All of the aforementioned species have/will 
be entered into eBird with an accompanying description.

Good Birding,

Jack Bushong, 


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