Hi all,

If want to see the warblers in Pueblo, do it fast.  Arctic air coming
starting Thursday, likely some of these warblers won't be there much longer.

The Yellow-throated Warbler in Pueblo City Park, first found on 19 November
by Mark Yaeger, is usually in the pines in the north east part of the
park.  On count morning, it was near the yellow mail box, just south of the
HQ building, by the road, in the pines/

The Chestnut-sided Warbler along the Arkansas River, east of Pueblo City
Park, first found by me on 15 November, is usually somewhere between
Reservoir Drive and the Railroad Bridge to the west.  On count afternoon,
it was barely moving in the sun, along the south side of the River, just
east of Reservoir Drive.  Sometimes you have look across the river, under
the olives to see the bird feeding in the rocks.  This bird seemed a little
weak on count day, maybe it was just sunning herself, and didn't want to
move much.

The Prairie Warbler first found on 5 December by me, is hanging out usually
north a little of the fisherman's parking lot, below Pueblo Reservoir dam
(directly west of Pay Station), in the olives and willows, there is also a
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher here.

The Northern Parula was a count day (16 December) find by Lisa Edwards and
me, it was in olives mostly, not far west of Valco Ponds parking lot in

Three of the four warblers are getting insects from the Russian Olives,
which are being taken out in many areas of Colorado.  People don't seem to
know, how important Russian Olives are to birds in Colorado.  Oh well.

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO

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