Today was much like yesterday - cooler weather and somewhat more birds.  22
birds banded, plus 2 returns from prior years:


Least Flycatcher                1 (FOS)

Swainson's Thrush          1

Gray Catbird       3 new, 1 return (Banded 2012)

Virginia's Warbler            1

Yellow Warbler 2 new, 1 return (Banded 2010)

MacGillivray's Warbler   2

Wilson's Warbler              1

Yellow-breasted Chat    2

Green-tailed Towhee    1

Spotted Towhee              1

Lincoln's Sparrow             3

White-crowned Sparrow, Mountain        3 (All White-crowneds before today
were Gambel's.  Do the Mountains move later?)

Red-winged Blackbirds  1


It now "feels" like the bulk of migration should be happening -the weather
is right and most of the trees and bushes seem to be filling out.   Or,
maybe the birds are just going to drift through slowly - the opposite of
last year, when they seemed to go immediately to their breeding grounds.
(For comparison, today, with 2 of our 5 weeks still remaining, we passed the
total number of individual birds caught last year.)  Early spring v late
spring.  Sheesh.


Open daily, weather permitting, through June 2.


Meredith McBurney


Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory


Celebrating 25 Years of Bird and Habitat Conservation


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