Do you have a regular schedule for when you are banding?  We could
possibly bring a group from Aiken Audubon (Colo. Springs) on a
Saturday or Sunday.  We had wanted to go to the ranch but could not
find an experienced leader for this fall, so maybe just a trip to
watch some banding would be fun.
Let me know your schedule and also how long in the fall you think the
migration will be good.
Cyndy Kulp

On Aug 31, 3:24�pm, "" <>
> Hi Cobirders
> Today was the first day of Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory banding here at 
> Chico Basin Ranch. �We had a quiet day which allowed me to get back into the 
> swing of things. �Our very first bird was a hatch year American Redstart. �We 
> also banded Wilson's Warblers 4, Orange-crowned Warbler, House Wren 3, 
> Cordilleran Fly, Dusky Fly, Hammond's Fly, Western Wood-Pewee, Brown 
> Thrasher, Mourning Dove, American Robin, Lark Sparrow, Gray Catbird 2, 
> Swainson's Thrush and a Downy Woodpecker. �Also around the station today were 
> loads of Western Wood-Pewees and an Olive-sided Flycatcher, Empids were 
> numerous too. �Nuthatches, both Red-breasted and White-breasted were about as 
> was a Black-capped Chickadee... possible montane invasion?
> Yesterday was more active but Steve Brown and I were busy clearing the lanes 
> and trails and setting up nets. �I did hear an Upland Sandpiper flyover early.
> We will be running the banding station 6 days a week Monday-Saturday Thru 3 
> October (with this weekend open on Sunday 6 Sep instead of Saturday, closed 
> Monday Labor Day). �Typically earlier is better if you want to see the bird 
> banding process and we are usually done by noon.
> Please send me an e-mail if you are planning on bringing a group to the 
> banding station. �Individuals are welcome any time. �The banding station is 
> free but if you continue on to bird the ranch the daily entry fee is 
> $15/person ($10/person for groups of 6 or more). �This money is used 
> exclusively to support the banding station education programs which typically 
> host several hundred visitors a year. Directions and more info about the 
> ranch can be found
> Good Birding,
> Brian Gibbons
> Chico Basin Ranch
> Rocky Mountain Bird
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