In 2012, Dick Schottler and I found a leucistic RTHA during the Denver CBC.
It so happens that we found this bird in my neighborhood, which is on the
western edge of the count circle. I was fortunate enough to watch this
bird, likely a female (she was bigger than any other RTHA that tried to
Hi Kevin and everyone else.
I looked up Brian K Wheeler's 'Birds of Prey of the East' ( this is the
first of his 2 books that came out, and I bought it when I was living in
New York).
He has a plate devoted to 'Albinos and other Variants,' Plate 34 where he
shows albinos and lucistic RTHA, where h
Perhaps the mystery buteo is a leucistic Red-tailed Hawk?
Kevin Corwin
Centennial, Arapahoe County
On Monday, December 18, 2023 at 9:06:48 PM UTC-7 wrote:
> December Winter Raptor Survey of Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR and DIA Raptor
> Alley, with sighting of a mystery buteo