For all the folks that were able to see the suspected Red Phalarope I would 
love your thoughts on how you came to your ID.  I have reviewed multiple 
pictures and have a hard time making an ID one way or the other.

The bill at a distance certainly appears somewhat thicker, but not conclusively 
when closer photos show somewhat of a more needle-like appearance.  
Additionally there is brown mottling on the back which lends itself to being a 
red-necked (Juv).  That being said I wasn’t able to find white edges to flight 
feathers that would be found on a juvenile red-necked.

I have little experience with this species so thanks in advance if I am making 
any incorrect assessments here and certainly if there are other accepted 
marks/behaviors that I should have looked for please share for the benefit of 

Happy birding-

Mark Minner-Lee
Broomfield, CO

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