Took a nice walk after work yesterday and heard a distinctive 'cheep cheep
cheep' from up high. Reminded me of the Black Hills. Turned out to be a male
red crossbill at the apex of a leafless tree glowing in the late day sun.
Just one. Couldn't tell what type it was. This was in the Aberdeen section
of town near the intersection of Longwood and Castle. Bird flew off

Also saw a juvenile Cooper's Hawk devouring a pigeon on a smalll cobbled
island in the lowflow Arkansas River near a railroad bridge. Not much in the
way of waterfowl on the river, just some mallards.

Back in the yard we have mountain chickadees, red-breasted nuthatches, brown
creepers, and a throng of robins fighting over water rights in the bird
bath. A mountain chickadee was happy when I came to refill it. It was his
chance to sneak in when the robins all scattered. Bold little guy landed as
I was filling it.

Rick Clawges

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