I saw the White-winged Scoter this morning on Baseline Reservoir.  I stood
at Baseline & Stearns, looking southwest.  

I also saw two ducks yesterday afternoon and this morning napping together
south of the middle of the Cherryvale stretch, variable distances from the
shore.  Yesterday I thought that they were Ruddy Ducks because they had
white undertail coverts.  However, today I got pretty good looks at one of
these birds and the bill and head did not look like a Ruddy Duck (cheeks
were greige, not white, and the bill looked like a Northern Pintail's).
Could a Black Scoter whose head is the best fit for what I saw, have white
undertail coverts? The illustration shows a white belly, but greige
undertail coverts.

Yesterday afternoon, there were 5 Hooded Mergansers.  This morning, there
was an adult Bald Eagle circling.  There were myriad Ring-billed Gulls,
several Scaup to far away to ID, and lots of Common Goldeneyes.  The
Buffleheads from a month ago seem to have gone.

--Margaret Smith, Boulder, CO

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