At North Shields Pond and Sterling Pond, Todd Reeves and I saw the
House Sparrow - 6
European Starling - 6+
House Finch - 6
Red-winged Blackbird - 40+
American Robin - 7
Mallard - 10
American Crow - 10
Canada Geese - 54, no Cackling
Northern Flicker - 5
Song Sparrow - 3
Mourning Dove - 6
Dark-eyed Junco, Pink sided - 4
Blue Jay - 2
Lincoln's Sparrow - 5
Belted Kingfisher - 2
Common Goldeneye - 2
Black Capped Chickadee - 7
Common Merganser - 9
Ring-billed Gull - 5

The Hooded Merganser pair was on Sterling pond.
Did not get any pictures, but watched them through the scope for some

Then we went down to Swede Lake to look for the Eurasian Wigeon, but
did not find it.  Quite a few birders were there with their scopes,
none had seen them, but it had been reported that one was seen this
morning at 6:45AM.

Then went to Fossil Creek Reservoir, to the Sandpiper blind where
there was reported a White-winged Scoter and a Barrow's Goldeneye, but
no sighting of either.  Did see a Scaup species from this blind along
with many Common Goldeneye, Redheads and Buffleheads.

Matt Webb
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