For no reason other than simple curiosity and being a bit of a nerd with an
interest in molt, I compared photos of the Scarlet Tanager that was at
Harriman Lake from 24-26 May 2020, and the bird found on Deer Creek Canyon
and Buckhorn yesterday (31 May 2020), both Jeff Co.  They are different
individuals, well, unless the Harriman bird underwent a massive molt in the
last 5 days, which is not possible. Ha!

The Harriman bird had a pretty clean red belly and flanks (no yellow), a
couple yellow undertail coverts (feathers), some yellow on the back and
even a retained yellow feather above the right eye, with all primaries and
most (if not all) secondaries being brownish (retained from last year) with
the nice fresh black greater and lesser coverts and retained brownish
primary coverts.

See some great photos in this list:

Obvious retained yellow feathers on the back here:

The Buckhorn bird has some yellow on the flanks (in some photos) which
could be to disheveled feathers more than anything, red undertail, back,
and face, and all black primaries (from what I can tell).

There were only 2 previous eBird records for Scarlet Tanager in JeffCo, so
2 distinct birds in a week is pretty sweet!

Good birding,

Scott Somershoe
Littleton CO

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