Yesterday, Wednesday, 31 August 2011, there was a pair of American
Three-toed Woodpeckers along the County Line Trail (Mesa/Delta Counties) off
of SR 65, west of Grand Mesa.  The fresh logging trails, which were also ski
trails, marked as #1 turned into #2, and then split with trail #3 and
another trail marked as “(something) glade”.  The birds were at this 3-way
split.  Two Red Crossbills were just before this split.  (Sorry for the late
post, but I just realized that American Three-toed Woodpecker is a notable
species here in Colorado.  I had thought that they were “usuals” until
having just read the introduction to “Birding RMNP” by Roederer.)

I also have a question for anyone willing to answer.  I believe that I may
have heard Brown-capped Rosy-finches where SR 65 either intersects Kannah
Creek or at Skyway Point (there is a scenic overlook and ski trails here).  Is
this possible at this location at this time of year??  I have no experience
with this species.  I tried to chase these birds down because of the
unfamiliar vocalizations, but lost them.  I only made the rosy-finch
connection while half-heartedly listening to the Righter and Keller
recordings (Cornell CDs) later and realizing “Whoah, that was it!”  I backed
up the track to discover that it was the BCRF.

Today, Thursday, 1 September 2011, one adult Black Swift left the nest
(/roost?) at Rifle Falls SP around 0630h.  One large juvenile remained on
the nest, at least, until I left around 0945h.  One adult, female Townsend’s
Warbler was the only notable migrant.  One adult and one juvenile Golden
Eagle were above the fish hatchery ponds.

One lone White-faced Ibis was at Harvey Gap SP.

Steve Ritt

San Diego, CA

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