One Northern Shrike was at the fenced substation just SW of CR 122 x CR 101. 
Plumage appeared adult- like, but the lower mandible had much paleness to it. I 
know nothing about NSHR bill coloration. Another f/imm. Lark Bunting was a few 
miles east of here.

One Long-eared Owl was along the juniper-filled canyon that extends N from the 
Pawnee Buttes Escarpment overlook. Not much else exciting in there.

At least three Eastern Bluebirds were on the W and S sides of CR 85 x CR 122. I 
thought that I was hearing more than three Easterns there, so, if this is near 
the edge of their expected range (?), someone may want to explore here.

A quick run through Crow Valley Park after sunset showed only a Brown Thasher, 
Wilson's Warbler (, Hermit Thrush, and House Wren.

Steve Ritt
San Diego, CA

Sent from my iPhone

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