Arrived at Red Rocks Trading Post early this morning. A few minutes before 7 two Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches sitting in the top of the upper apple tree were flushed and chased by an accipter (Sharpie?) down the draw south of the feeders. They were the only Rosy-Finches I saw this morning.

However, in a 20 minute time span from 7:20 - 7:40 A.M., I saw all 4 Zonotrichia sparrows. About 7:23 a 1st winter White-crowned Sparrow appeared beneath the lower apple tree and then the adult White- throated Sparrow started feeding under the platform feeder. I was able to view both birds at the same time. Around 7:37 A.M. the Golden- crowned Sparrow hopped on the platform feeder and then the 1st winter Harris's Sparrow popped into view below the lower apple tree. It's a rare occasion to have all four of the Zonotrichia sparrows at the same feeder and to be able to see them in such a short period of time.

The Curve-billed Thrasher also put in an appearance early.

Mike Henwood
Jefferson County

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