

Apologies for totally botching my first answer to your RFI!  My sane
response (I hope) follows below at / 


I'm hoping we can meet someday - I've really enjoyed reading your posts on
COBIRDS!  During one winter about ten years ago we had a Northern Pygmy-owl
/NOPO/ routinely in our yard as a participant in a food chain we had
inadvertently created by raising chickens for eggs - the chickens themselves
attracted raccoons and other predators, their eggs attracted skunks et al.,
but leftover hen scratch attracted mice, which attracted all sorts of other
predators, including NOPO.  That was so cool having the owl around, and
afforded ample opportunity to study its flight pattern and its style of
landing (kind of like watching a gymnast nail a perfect 10 landing, for lack
of more obvious and visual comparison). 


During 2012 so far, we have seen seven species of owls, but 11 of the 12 sp
listed below we have seen and/or heard.  We are missing Short-eared but
opportunity remains, oui?  I don't like putting my zillion-candle-power
spotlight on the poor things, otherwise we surely would have seen some of
them that we only heard.


Larry Arnold

Redlands, 4700 ft



p.s. Our OVENBIRD is still here acting somewhat like all the other
seed-eaters, appears to feel safe surrounded by them and their
pecking/foraging on the ground.  5-10 hummingbirds remain at our feeders and
Stache garden, all Black-chins other than an occasional RUHU or CAHU.  This
light rain, with no wind and perfect temperatures, feels like heaven to me.
I know Coen and Brenda are out for a stroll around Nucla this morning,
hopefully finding good birds.  Missy and I will head out shortly for a
stroll around our hood on a similar quest - SPECIES!!   



Scott, again, my corrected owl notes follow /




From: pygmyowl [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 8:58 AM
To: larry arnold
Subject: Re: [cobirds] owl question


From:  <>
<mailto:[]> []
On Behalf Of pygmyowl

Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 8:31 PM

To: cobirds

Subject: [cobirds] owl question


Hi all,


Each year I take it upon myself to see as many species of owls in Colorado
as I can. I aim for 10 species each year.  Most years I end up with 9
species or less. This year, so far I have seen 10 species owls in Colorado.


I was wondering if anyone on this list serve would like to join me in a
yearly competition to see who can see the most species of owls in Colorado
each year?


You have to actually see each species, just hearing them would not count.


Of interest, this year so far I have seen...




Barn / seen well in a burrow in Delta County 

Flam / heard at two locs, usually seen but not this year 

W Screech / three at our water feature this summer, several seen elsewhere
in Mesa County

E Screech / heard in several locations while birding eastern CO with

Great Horned / seen in many locations, best being family of four in our yard

Snowy / saw both Ad and Ju with help of a resident who patiently explained
to us that we were not looking at a large piece of PVC pipe, no, that was an

Northern Pygmy / seen several times in Mesa County this year

Burrowing / seen in one location two birds, Delta County

Long-eared / Missy and I saw several in west salt creek whilst scouting for
our GVAS Owl Prowl

Short-eared / missed this year so far

Boreal / heard only - two birds in Delta County just above Visitor's Center

Saw-whet / heard only, two locations in Mesa County


Larry Arnold





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From:  <>
<mailto:[]> []
On Behalf Of pygmyowl
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 8:31 PM
To: cobirds
Subject: [cobirds] owl question


Hi all,


Each year I take it upon myself to see as many species of owls in Colorado
as I can. I aim for 10 species each year.  Most years I end up with 9
species or less. This year, so far I have seen 10 species owls in Colorado.


I was wondering if anyone on this list serve would like to join me in a
yearly competition to see who can see the most species of owls in Colorado
each year?


You have to actually see each species, just hearing them would not count.


Of interest, this year so far I have seen...

Northern Saw-whet

Northern Pygmy


Great Horned





Eastern Screech



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