ll me.
> 2017/10/23 0:38、高田 明史 のメール:
> Dear all,
> Nursery is a persistent object framework (object database) for Cocoa.
> It is written in Objective-C.
> It is implemented ONLY with the Cocoa Framework.
> Instances of the following classes can be
Dear all,
Nursery is a persistent object framework (object database) for Cocoa.
It is written in Objective-C.
It is implemented ONLY with the Cocoa Framework.
Instances of the following classes can be persisted.
• NSObject
• NSString
• NSMutableString
• NSArray
Dear owner and everyone else,
Perhaps, i thought that the owner may not be seeing the sent mail,
i decided to send it to the mailing list by describing circumstances.
I am Japanese.
My English skill is very weak.
I think that there is no content that has a problem.
However, i noticed that my mai