Re: Communications between multiple NIB's

2008-03-24 Thread Bertil Holmberg
This is the single question that's keeping all newbies awake at night. Provided that your Prefs nib has a controller, you can use a Notification to let your main app know about the color changes. However, isn't it plausible that your Prefs nib is lazily loaded by your main app? If so, it ca

Re: starting...

2008-04-25 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I´m studying objective-C around one month and have some doubts. Have you studied the Objective-C 2.0 document? It should answer your questions about Properties and the @synthesize directive as these are new additions to the language. Although handy in the long run, they do make things mor

Re: My own listbox

2008-08-02 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I have implemented a custom control, the ListView. Perhaps this might be useful for you. Code and example here – Regards, Bertil___ Cocoa-dev mailing list ( Please do not post admi

Re: Dismissing the iPhone keyboard

2009-04-03 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I think you are using this in the wrong order; "This method [textFieldDidEndEditing:] is called after the text field resigns its first responder status." How do you move the cursor outside the text field? Dave Mark handles this in his excellent book by using an invisible background view th

Re: programmatically creating a NSMatrix with a prototype cell

2009-06-20 Thread Bertil Holmberg
I do something similar here, perhaps you can spot some discrepancy? // Instantiate a special buttonCell that can be drawn in color and configure it CCDColoredButtonCell *colorCell = [[CCDColoredButtonCell alloc] init]; [colorCell setButtonColor:[NSColor clearColor]]; [c

Re: how do you set the value of a UIPickerView programatically?

2010-01-12 Thread Bertil Holmberg
This should work but would make most sense in viewDidAppear if the user should be able to enjoy the animation. > [picker selectRow:indexOfCurrentValue inComponent:0 animated:YES]; You have set the Pickers delegate? Regards, Bertil___ Cocoa-dev

Re: UIImageView display as "multiply"?

2010-01-22 Thread Bertil Holmberg
Here is a snippet that I saved for another day, perhaps it will get you going? Regards, Bertil - (UIImage *)blendOverlay:(UIImage *)topImage withBaseImage:(UIImage *)baseImage toSize:(CGFloat)imageSize { UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSizeMake(imageSize, imageSize)); [baseImage dr