Re: radio Button newbie question

2008-04-27 Thread Bill Mutch
Alli, I was having problems with my radio group as well. Everything seemed to be coded correctly but when I referenced the radio button it was never set. The matrix 1 row by 2 columns (2 radio buttons). my code was: IBOutlet NSMatrix *IB_timeInterval; I set method IBA_intervalCha

Design Question: Pro & Cons of KVC/KVO

2008-08-21 Thread Bill Mutch
Ken, Thanks for your explanation of the development of KVC, KVO, and Bindings. As a geezer who spent most of his career coding in assembler on IBM mainframes beginning in the late 60's, it is still sometimes difficult not having total control over my code. KVC, KVO, and Bindings is one of th

Re: Wasted Space and Kernighan

2008-10-07 Thread Bill Mutch
First let me say that the views expressed by Michael Ash are almost identical to mine. However, I have to take issue with the often quoted statement of Kernighan on debugging. "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as