Re: viewing method calls

2008-06-30 Thread Owen Yamauchi
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Nick Zitzmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Jun 29, 2008, at 3:25 PM, John Murphy wrote: How do I view the messages (method calls) that are sent during the loading of an application? You can do this using a profiler, such as Shark. A DTrace script will

Re: Some advice re. saving a variable so it is accessible to all classes/methods

2008-06-30 Thread Owen Yamauchi
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Michael Kaye [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: So my question (finally) is where do I store the sessionid variable so it is accessible through out all classes and for as long as the app is running? My current approach is to save the value in an Extern NSString but I'm

Linking against /Dev/L/PrivateFrameworks/

2008-06-30 Thread Owen Yamauchi
Yes, I know, I shouldn't be linking against an Apple private framework, but trust me, there's a reason for it. Anyway, I'm having trouble building the project. I dragged my private framework (DevToolsCore.framework) into Xcode and left all the default settings alone. However, when I try to build,

Re: Handling framework exceptions/errors?

2008-06-29 Thread Owen Yamauchi
On Sun, Jun 29, 2008 at 9:56 AM, David Troy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a situation where I am loading arbitray data from network-supplied URLs. Sometimes the URLs contain Kanji unicode characters. When they do, my HTTP loading mechanism (which is built around NSURL* frameworks) dies

Re: KVO Question -- Really Simple for Pros

2008-06-28 Thread Owen Yamauchi
On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 10:20 PM, Alex Wait [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: But I was sure since I have a firstName method and a setFirstName method it would update the textField. I have used IB to bind the value of the textField to the value of the person object and that works when I edit the

Re: KVO Question -- Really Simple for Pros

2008-06-28 Thread Owen Yamauchi
On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 11:29 PM, Alex Wait [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've read what you said but I don't know what to do still. Do I need to implement the method? the -observeValueForKeyPath :ofObject:change:context: method? No. NSTextField implements this already. See below. I am not

Re: Using isMemberOfClass with a tree of subclass of NSManagedObject

2008-06-28 Thread Owen Yamauchi
On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 9:58 AM, Yoann GINI [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Do you have an idea ? Use -isKindOfClass: instead. -isMemberOfClass: only tells you if an object is an instance of that specific class. -isKindOfClass: includes all superclasses as well. Owen [forgot to reply-all]

Re: [SOLVED] noob question regarding proxy object returned by -selection method of NSArrayController

2008-06-28 Thread Owen Yamauchi
How about [[controller selection] valueForKey:@self]? NSObject has a -self method which just returns the receiver, and since the proxy object must respond to the KVC query as if it were the underlying object, you get the underlying object back. Owen ___

Re: Determining general type of a file (image, text, sound, etc...)

2008-06-28 Thread Owen Yamauchi
On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 2:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi I'm writing a KFile class that encapsulates a bunch of file operations that are spread out over several Cocoa and Carbon classes and want to have a couple of testing methods such as isImageFile, isMusicFile, isTextFile etc. I'm

Re: Methods that return autoreleased objects?

2008-06-28 Thread Owen Yamauchi
Don't think about it. If memory management confuses you in any way, don't try to think about the status of objects returned from framework methods. Only worry about it from the perspective of your code. Do you need the object to stay around after your method returns? Then retain it, and remember

Re: valueForKey: on collections [was: Re: Using isMemberOfClass with a tree of subclass of NSManagedObject]

2008-06-28 Thread Owen Yamauchi
On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 6:24 PM, Ben Trumbull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Which is, frankly, a bit goofy and, thus, the primary reason why I would avoid using -valueForKey: on a dictionary. Amen. It's slower, and people reading your code can get very confused. Then is there a recommended way of