issue porting resource files code from 10.4 to 10.5

2009-05-28 Thread Victor Bovio
Hello everyone, I'm porting an Application from 10.4 to 10.5 at 64 bit, and I have a problem with resource files, in the Tiger app I have this code to read some resource files: FSSpec spec; FSRef ref; CFURLRef url = (CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath: myPathString]; if (CFURLGetFSRef(url, &ref)

adding a custom view to NSPrintPanel

2008-05-12 Thread Victor Bovio
Hi, Does anyone knows of an example or tutorial on how to this ?? The documentation says that I have to use this method on NSPrintPanel: - (void)addAccessoryController:(NSViewController < NSPrintPanelAccessorizing > *)accessoryController I have no idea how a NSViewController works.. any t

adding Quicklook preview to my app

2008-04-17 Thread Victor Bovio
Hi, I have a document based Cocoa app (CAD-like), to which I like to add the Leopard quicklook plugin feature. I tried first looking at the Documentation, but looks overwhelming to me, is there a simple tutorial or examples somewhere I can look at ?? Basically I just want to embed a snapshot

printing in Cocoa

2008-04-16 Thread Victor Bovio
Hi, Does anyone knows a good book or tutorial that covers printing (in- depth) in Cocoa apps ??, I have Hillegass book but just covers the minimal steps for printing.. I'll write below the problems I have with my app in case anyone can help, Thanks! -- I have a doc

printing PDF issues

2008-04-07 Thread Victor Bovio
Hi, I have a document-based Cocoa application, in which I display quartz routines directly to the context of my NSView. Following the documentation I added this methods to enable printing in my application: on NSDocument: - (void)printDocumentWithSettings:(NSDictionary *)printSettings s

problem generating PDF using quartz

2008-03-07 Thread Victor Bovio
Hi, I'm trying to save a test PDF from scratch using the following code: NSString *path = @"~/Desktop/test.pdf"; NSString *fullPath = [path stringByExpandingTildeInPath]; CFStringRef str = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, [fullPath cString], kCFStringE

issue when application becomes active

2008-02-25 Thread Victor Bovio
Hi, I'm working on a Cocoa application which can have multiple documents, when a document is loaded from file, I run the loading routine via a separate thread (NSThread detachNewThread... etc). The issue is that when I already have an open document and I want to open another doc from file