NSWindow Question

2015-10-29 Thread Dave
Hi, Is there a method something like didBecomeFrontWindow that get called when a Window becomes the front window because the User Clicked in it and it wasn’t before? I have a NSWindowController/NSWindow Pair, I’ve looked through the Class references, but can’t see anything? Thanks a lot Dave

Re: NSWindow Question

2015-10-29 Thread Lee Ann Rucker
windowDidBecomeKey or BecomeMain? Probably Key, if you want the one that got clicked on. Front isn’t all that useful; a window could be key but not front if it has something like a floating tools palette. Window notifications/delegate methods always start with windowVerb, so searching that

Another NSWindow Question

2015-04-02 Thread Dave
Hi, Is there a method similar in use to UIView’s layoutSubviews method? e.g a layoutWindow method. When the window is resized, I want to replace the Content View with a new one, is there a better way of doing this. This is a special case Overlay window that doesn’t have a Window Controller.