Saving IKImageBrowser Order and Content?

2009-02-12 Thread Chunk 1978
topic says it all. i have installed an IKImageBrowser which allows me to drop images and reorder them. it would be great to be able to automatically save the dropped images as well as their order so that the next time the app starts and the image browser loads up everything is still there. can s

Re: Saving IKImageBrowser Order and Content?

2009-02-12 Thread douglas welton
I will "assume" that you are using an array controller to handle the backing data for you IKImageBrowserView. If so, all you will need to do is archive the array controller's arrangedObjects (or content plus any filter predicate) and save it to a file - perhaps using NSArray's handy-dandy

Re: Saving IKImageBrowser Order and Content?

2009-02-12 Thread Chunk 1978
hi douglas, i am not using an array controller... my current method is copying images to the pasteboard (they are produced images from within the app) and writing them to a folder when they are dropped into the image browser. i'm assuming it shouldn't be too difficult to incorporate an array cont

Re: Saving IKImageBrowser Order and Content?

2009-02-12 Thread douglas welton
Two things: 1) when I typed "NSArrayController" into the search field on the ADC site, I got 209 possible places where you could begin your search for info on how to use NSArrayController bindings with IKImageBrowserView. If none of these is sufficient or you are a novice to the binding