
As we agreed on the soon 2.0.1 release... We need to review todo list,
as it was not updated lately. Please add your comments on what you fill
is done and what is not yet.

High priority tasks:

  <action context="code" assigned-to="open">
   Make the use of Batik optional to avoid the X-server problem.

  <action context="code" assigned-to="open">
    Structure the documentation. Currently it is a flat structure. There
    are several proposals for a better structuring.   

What about this? Now I see that we have nested docs structure. Shall we
remove this item?

  <action context="code" assigned-to="open">
    Update the documentation to reflect recent changes and divide
    it into user and developer documentation.

I guess this work has been done - we have now both users and developers

  <action context="code" assigned-to="open">
   Complete (means put everything we know of into even if it has to be
   the cocoon.xconf file and put descriptions into it
  <action context="code" assigned-to="open">
   Complete (means put everything we know of into even if it has to be
   the web.xml file and put descriptions into it (similar to the
   httpd.conf file of the web server or the server.xml of Catalina)

Is there any undocumented spot left there?

  <action context="code" assigned-to="open">
   Close hsqldb server properly on shutdown

I did not figured out a way to do this yet...

  <action context="code" assigned-to="open">
   Complete (means put all allowed constructs and combinations)
   the lint/sitemap.xmap file

Medium priority tasks:

  <action context="code">
   Remove deprecated methods from org.apache.cocoon.xml.util and make it
   for SAX2 final.

Can somebody tell what is this about?

  <action context="code">
   Finish writing the command line interface and design the link
   behavior that cannot work with views.

Same here...

  <action context="code">
   Complete/write documentation in general.

This will never be complete. Let it stay...

  <action context="code">
   Check if the map:redirect-to should handle all urls including the
   special cocoon: protocol. This would require making the redirect
   for these urls on the server.

IIRC, there was some discussion on this, with the resolution not to do
internal redirects. Am I correct?

  <action context="code">
   Check how to handle the mixing of output streams when an error inside
   a pipeline occurs. When the pipeline has something written to the
   output stream and then an error occurs the result is the first
   part with the appended exception.
   One solution could be a configurable intermediate output stream.

Gerhard, are you working on this? Seen some emails on this lately.

  <action context="code">
   Update and improve the profiling tool from the HEAD cvs and
incorporate it
   into the 2.0 branch.

This one is obsolete: branch has been abandoned.

Let's keep Cocoon rolling, :)


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