Re: advice on a simple architecture for xml versioning

2002-08-02 Thread Gerd Mueller
Best Regards, Gerd ________ Gerd Mueller[EMAIL PROTECTED] SMB GmbH - Please chec

Re: Cocoon and CMS

2002-01-04 Thread Gerd Mueller
egards, Gerd ____ Gerd Mueller[EMAIL PROTECTED] SMB GmbH - Please check that your question has not already been answere


2001-08-27 Thread Gerd Mueller
The exception doesn't occur if I exchange the query.xsl transformer with the sql transformer. The page renders correct, of course without the requested database data. Does anybody have an idea what the problem could be ? Best Regards, Gerd -- _

RequestParameters for HTMLGernerator

2001-08-20 Thread Gerd Mueller
Hi, Is there a way to pass the request parameters from the cocoon sitemap through to the HTMLGernerator ? At the moment it seems only to support the 'xpath'-parameter and does nothing with the rest of the parameters. Best Regards, Gerd ---