excalibur-xmlutils sources

2002-12-17 Thread Phil Shafer
Is there an archived set of sources available for the contents of excalibur-xmlutil-20020820.jar? I'm getting a NPE in org.apache.excalibur.xmlizer.impl.XMLizerImpl.toSAX() and can't see what I'm doing wrong. The current sources for jakarta-avalon-excalibur don't have this class (but do have the i


2002-11-05 Thread Phil Shafer
Peter Royal writes: >Did you try "/WEB-INF/" ? Nope, that did it. Cool. I was thinking the /localhost/jtk/ was part of the problem, but appearantly this is handled internally by something (jndi?). Thanks, Phil - Please chec


2002-11-05 Thread Phil Shafer
I'm trying to use the user-roles attribute on the element of cocoon.xconf, but not having any luck. I've followed the FAQ (faq-configure-c2.html) and have: but I get: Exception reloading org.apache.avalon.framework.configuration.ConfigurationException: Error trying to load user-ro

Iteration in pipelines

2002-04-17 Thread Phil Shafer
Hi, I'm just starting with Cocoon and had a newbie question: Does Cocoon have a mechanism for iteration in the sitemap file? An example would be running some sort of pipeline with the results of a xmldb query. The SQLTranformer has something like this, but only for additional SQL queries. If a qu